Participate in the September 2020 Member Challenge – Original Music!

Home Page Forums Monthly Member Challenges Participate in the September 2020 Member Challenge – Original Music!

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    Here’s my take on Wonder, had plenty of slip ups. I still gotta work on finger placements which misalign the strings.

    The pressure was too much since this is Andrew’s piece and I didn’t want to disappoint him! Even though I most likely still did, lol. Forgive me Andrew! xD

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by samash07.

    @samash07 – No need to worry, Sami you did great! I have 2 tips for you. The big thing I’d work on is timing. When I recorded it, I tapped my foot to help keep the timing as steady as possible. You can try that, but also play along with me in the tab player. My playing will act as a guide to keep you steady. And try sections at a time – like 8 bars.

    #2 – Watch out for the rhythm in bar 14. Double check the video lesson as I went over that with counting as it’s tricky.


    Thanks AJ. It seems that the more attempts I make at recording, the faster I try to go. Maybe I’m just trying to get through it before I make another mistake. I’ll keep working on that tempo.


    Here is my entry for the Wonder 2 challenge. I hope I am going this right. My first time. Very challenging for me as a beginner, but a beautiful song and I am getting better. Thanks a bunch!


    @lynnwatson – Well played! Watch out for the half note in the last bar before theme 3, as I’m hearing you play it as a quarter note. Try to count 3, 4 when you hit it to not rush the note. But overall, your timing is excellent. From here, I’d increase the tempo by 5 or 10 bpm to start challenging yourself to go faster to build speed. Keep up the great work!


    Thanks for the tips Andrew, my hand just isn’t fast enough to move quickly along the fretboard, maybe with time I’ll get there one day.

    Yeah I think I should try learning in sections as I normally just go for the whole thing when I start learning a new tune, I’ll definitely do that from next month!

    I’ll check out Bar 14 right now.

    Edit: Just heard your performance again and then compared mine, Bar 14 is definitely way off.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by samash07.


    Hello everyone,

    Here is my sadly a little lackluster version of the classical etude.

    Theme 2 gave me quite a bit of trouble, surprisingly so 🙂 What I see is that I should play it much slower… but then it doesn’t feel right. Hence little pauses and irregularities.

    Wanted to post a challenge video, since I haven’t done so in a while. Andrew you provide great motivation with these challenges, especially with the next one on the triple picking thing. I’ll try to give that one a go as well.

    Best of luck to you all,


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by oldan_.

    @oldan_ – Well done! Here are my thoughts for you 🙂


    Hi everyone,

    I really loved to learn the Classical Etude in only 3 days!
    Hope you enjoy how I play it 😉

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by anne_cote.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by anne_cote.

    Classical Etude-my entry for September. I love the minor to parallel major and back minor tonality-its a great composition! Thanks Drew and everyone at RC101!!


    Hi guys,
    I had a pretty late start on this month’s challenge. So I know I’m not ready and flubbed through most of it. I’m sorry! Guess I ran out of time. Great song though, Andrew! I really liked Uke Blues No 2.


    *** I am a Premium Member ***
    Hi Andrew and friends, Attached is a song I wrote (lyrics and music) approximately 6 months into learning how to play the ukulele. I had put it off to the side and recently, due to this challenge I started working on a new arrangement for it. Here it is in its original form. Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by funtime2018. Reason: file size too large

    ‘Autumn Sun Mourn’ take 3 – original attempt for this month.

    Thought I’d uploaded earlier – tried to edit – and maybe deleted…

    So just in case, I link again. Didn’t get the time I wanted to hone this early month messing around in the fading summer sun, but wanted to submit something


    Hello this my take on Classical Etude

    *** I am a Premium Member ***


    Hey Andrew! I”m excited to hear your feedback on this one! i just started learning to play at the beginning of August! The only the instrument Ive played is a recorder in 6th grade. Soo I’m putting myself out there. The other songs were to hard for me to learn in a month so i went with a tune that was in my head.
    Thanks for the help!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by themccoys.
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