


Alexander Gherschon

About Me

Hello everybody, I’m Alex, 34, always dreamed of playing an instrument and tried the guitar in the past with weekly private lessons for about a year and a half but we were learning lots of music theory so it didn’t grow on me. I always liked how the ukulele sound so I got one and left it two years on the wall till one day I had enough of postponing this dream, and started to learn the basics with Bernadette Teaches Ukulele on Youtube. Since then I’ve made a lot of progress, found a private luthier teacher and build my own uke, and I continue to learn as much as I can in the little free time a busy modern life gives us. I’ve started here with the Game of Thrones lesson and it’s super complicated for me so I have a ton to learn already with one lesson. Can’t wait to discover other lessons after this one.