Below is the lesson for “Linus and Lucy”.
Helpful Tips
The classic piano theme featured in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, this arrangement contains the iconic melodies you love plus the jazz breakdown. I have split this arrangement into 4 sections:
Melody A
Melody B (upbeat hits)
Melody C (Jazz breakdown)
While the first 3 sections are fairly straight-forward, Melody C can be quite challenging. One of the reasons it’s tricky is because it has you keeping the “A chord shape” intact while moving it up or down by a series of half or whole steps. One of the ways to practice moving chords (the goal being: your fingers move up/down in the correct frets), is to take a shape and move it up/down chromatically (by half steps). Then, try and move it up/down by whole steps, then by a step and a half and so on. This exercise will help tremendously when you encounter songs like this one. Also, this arrangement makes use of chart symbols, check out this article if you need to brush up on these symbols.
Part 1 – Performance & Free Lesson