High Expectations

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    So, I bet none of you are full of instant gratification, are you?😂

    W what lessons do you feel have you the biggest jumps or “ah ha” moments?

    I’m really excited about a newer uke I’ve seen which is the Flight Diana Soundwave. You’ll see why if why if look it up. I’ve watched videos on $2000 ukes vs. $50 ukes and my impression is that it really depends on the player. I get super jealous when I see the ukes of @Andrew, @Evan and @Mark, etc.

    The black fret boards have gotten in my head when it came to harmonics though.
    Can you guys give me any feedback on your favorite sizes, brands or strings?

    I’ll give you an example of a cheap (and first) uke I made sound what I think is beautiful. It is a Rosewood Paisen Tenor, with an odd sound hole cut out. You may have seen it. I simply changed it to a low G with D’Addario strings.

    I also have an Alvarez Tenor w/ Aquila strings. I love the uke, butam not feeling the strings. I just feel lost in a huge world of options. Sorry for the ramble. I am also disabled and this is a huge part of my therapy.


    Hey there. I think the ah ha moments really depends on where you’re at in terms of level. Have you found the Learning Paths page? You can find it at the bottom of every page. It’s a good guide. My First Song was the ah ha that got me really hooked at the very beginning. Movable chord shapes were another big ah ha. The big improvements are gradual though.

    As for ukes, I seem to have accumulated a few, lol. My Islander is my favorite. Is a nice mid range uke, one of the cheapest solid wood ones. Sure I’d love a fancy one like Andrew’s, but I’m good where I’m at. I think a fancy uke well make a good player sound even better, but one must still know how to play it or it won’t sound good.

    For strings, I love flurocarbon. Once I found those, there was no going back. ☺

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by lisadmh.

    My biggest ah ha moment was when I managed to maintain an island strum while singing an entire song. It was a while ago, though.

    My favourite uke that I own is my Mele solid mango concert. I definitely prefer to play concert ukes. The best one I have played is probably a Da Silva spruce-top concert, or maybe a Pohaku koa soprano. I didn’t get to play them at the same time so it is hard to compare.

    It depends on the uke, but I like Aquila Red strings and PHD strings. For low G, I like Fremont Soloist strings.


    Awesome information. I started Learning Paths and have covered several lessons, but this absolutely helps. Thanks guys!

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