Hello, glad to be here

Home Page Forums Introduce Yourself Hello, glad to be here

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    Hey all, very excited to have found this site. Thanks Andrew for sharing your experience with music and especially for zeroing in on the uke!

    I’ve actually been playing the uke for a while, seven years, but never progressed much as a player. From what I’ve seen so far, this site has been exactly what I’m looking for, a comprehensive music experience that sets a solid foundation of knowledge and builds upon that. A lot of sites and lessons throw a hodgepodge of stuff at the learner and you spend more time trying to decipher rhyme and reason where there is none. RC101 seems thought out and progressive.

    So, I’m excited to be part of the site. But I gotta go practice, what do you think I do all day, write forum posts?



    Hi Stryngtheoory
    I agree Andrew does a great job teaching. I am learning Etude no 4 and actually feel like I am getting somewhere at last. I have also been playing a long time.


    Haha! Welcome ST. Glad you found us πŸ™‚

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