Greetings from San Francisco

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    I started to play about a year ago – my first musical instrument experience. The Fur Elise lessons are my favorite so far and my goal is to master that piece. Once a month a group I joined play in a hospital and the lessons you have posted are giving me many basics to work on. Thank you for the comprehensive lessons so attainable for a beginner like me.


    Welcome! Glad you are enjoying the lessons πŸ™‚ I just recorded a new classical piece which will be out soon πŸ™‚


    Hi, Classicuke, I am working on Fur Elise too. I saw how you played at your Youtube channel. I was great. I hope I can play as good too. I will share with you later how I play at my Youtube channel. Hope to see videos of other songs that you learned from Andrew πŸ™‚


    Wow that’s so nice! I look forward to seeing your Fur Elise video. πŸ™‚

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