Havana Low G


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  • #15500

    Hey Andrew,
    Havana drew me in and now I’m a member! I am wondering if this song works for low G up til the rasqueado… seems like it?
    I am so excited about this song – I see it as a doable challenge (that will take a while!). I appreciate your attention to detail and your way of organizing the lesson. Feel like I have found a teacher! Thanks


    Hi ME, thank you so much for the kind words πŸ™‚ I’m happy that you have joined our community!

    Actually, that song should work really well for low G. I just looked over it and I’m not seeing anything that would clash or sound weird. I’m actually planning to introduce low G lessons this year. We sent out a survey at the end of last year and there was a big demand for low G lessons. So I’m really looking forward to jumping into that.

    It’s hard for me to say when it’s going to happen, because honestly I had planned to introduce it in October and here we are knocking on February’s door. Soon hopefully!


    uh oh. Where do I go to find out what low G is? Do I need different strings or a uke other than a soprano?


    It’s just an octave lower g string, Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think it’s a problem for a soprano. On the other hand, if it gives you excuse to buy another ukulele, um, yeah, definitely need a bigger uke! πŸ˜€


    Another Havana question, this one about notation. Could you clarify what it means when a note is in parentheses? An example is measure 3 – on the second best the A note is in parentheses and it is played. Why the parentheses?
    This song continues to challenge me… I leave it alone for a while but keep coming back to it!


    Those notes are optional πŸ™‚ Keep working at it, it was challenging for me too!

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