Bohemian Rhapsody

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    Hello RC101!!

    I remember 2 years ago when i was having difficulties to learn Zelda’s happy when i watch the video and i see the progress i made with RC101. So, thank you Andrew and team for all your work.

    I learnt the first part, half the song i would say. I learnt Andrews version but work with the two printed tablatures to see how Evan is playing it. So sometimes i try to incorporate Evan’s chord shapes into Andrew’s version. So when i’ll give a try to Evan’s version, i’ll not have to learn all the shapes again. Well, it’s in a lot of time, but i’m saving time for the future πŸ™‚

    If you have any question i’ll be happy to help on this one.

    Thank you for watching


    Wow that was great. Well done!



    Wow, amazing job. Very mellow. I like your groove a lot. I’ll get up to the level of that song eventually. Congrats on the progress.


    Thank you Chris.

    Lisa, please, don’t say “eventually” ever again πŸ™‚
    You’r going to do it for SURE, be conviced!


    Nice @ukandoit ! Congratulations! Nice playing on what you learned! 😁


    @becky7777 Thank you, i’ll post a video of my improvements soon

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by ukandoit.

    Very nicely done. Wow! Can’t wait to get this far. That was so smooth and mellow. Impressive.


    thank you @jpag7242
    Well even if there are a lot of mistakes, i decided to share the rest of the song. Some parts are good and i’ll wait a bit before posting the entire song ^^so i share this one.

    Thank you, hope it inspire some of you to dive into it!


    Really nice! πŸ‘ Definitely a song on my to-do list.


    Love this song and your playing sounds terrific. I’m looking forward to being able to play as well as you do.


    The only advice i can give you to improve your playing faster is not from me..

    “i’d recommend giving it a shot, because even if you cant play the entire arrangement, you’ll get better in the process” – Andrew

    RC101 is like a shop where even if you can’t afford to buy socks, you can try every expensive fur coats and just say bye lool
    Well, socks are our respective levels, and furcoats are playing like Andrew and Evan haha.

    Try what is REALLY hard for you! and then come back to what your comfortable with, and it will seem really easy. I learnt Pinnaple Uke blues just before Bohemian..seems soooo easy now.


    Love the socks analogy! πŸ˜‚ So good!

    Yes good advice from Andrew. Started approaching my playing speed by going faster then I can, then slowing down. It seems to be helping. Even broke out the metronome the other day and found I can do that whole fretboard chromatic finger exercise at 230 bpm now, but not without any mistakes or missed notes yet. (180ish is my comfort zone for that) Big difference from 75 bpm I started at though!


    @becky7777 be careful, i don’t want to give bad advices, i’m not a ukulele teacher!

    I say that because in my opinion, when you are trying to build the speed up, it’s not the same thing at all. So don’t apply my analogy to “building the speed up”.

    When i said trying what is hard for us it is more about hard shapes or quick jump between two hard shapes, things that you can’t play very well even at slow tempo. Well, it’s trying arrangements that are above our current level. It’s about untying our fingers.

    When i want to go faster, as in the part i totaly miss on the second video (from 0:45 to 1:00), i just slow down (a loooot, like at 10% speed) and repeat the section, but correctly, and like a thousand times. Then i begin to build the speed up (20%) and practise a thousand time more, then build the speed…etc. Till i get to the normal speed i was aiming. When i say a thousand times i think i’m not far from the truth (but don’t do like me, i mean not 1000 repeat session)

    For sure if you try to go supersuperfast, it will seem so easy to practise at normal speed, but i don’t think you’ll have made any improvements while playing superfast.

    What analogy could i find.. LOL
    Not really an analogy but look, Michal Phelps used to train with weights.. so when he did not have weights, it was too easy for him. Look how many gold medals and record he has now.
    Our fingers are Michael Phelps. The swimming pool is the fretboard. The weights are the arrangements above our skills. Wait.. it’s an analogy!



    I want to thank you for the links provided on which video cam recorders are best for posting. It has helped me make a decision on which one to purchase.


    @ukecandoit – Gotcha. No worries! I agree with going as slow as cold molasses when learning a song. Performing it just as slow was something I singularly needed to work on. (going faster.)

    Some of my performance recordings are SO painfully slow! Slow became a comfort zone I needed to break out of. Andrew noticed & pointed that out for me in feedback because I had other stuff down okay enough. My timing is another thing I know needs work.

    I wouldn’t object to being able to shred like Guthrie Govan or Chris Impellitteri someday on uke though lol! (Yep, I said it!) I AM an aging metal-head hippie-chick with a serious case of jazz denial and a love for “grade 9” classical guitar pieces, who has no concept of what’s really “easy,” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜‰ after all.

    Your socks analogy just made me laugh and cheered me up quite a bit! It’s awesome! 😁 I aspire to be a fine fur like Andrew and Evan etc. Someday too.

    Right now i’m just a value pack of plain white Walmart tube socks. πŸ˜› Maybe in a few years I will attain department store argyle sock status! πŸ˜‰ A girl can dream! πŸ˜‚

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