practice until perfect?

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    I am new here. I’ve had a uke since Christmas 2018 and have periodically picked it up, watched some videos, learned a bit, got bored, put it away, rinse, repeat. I bumped into one of the free lessons on youtube last week and learned so much from that one lesson that I became a premium member. I am working my way through the Beginner’s Guide. I guess I am unsure of when to move on from one lesson to another. My hands are slow– do I keep working on units 3- 5 in module 2 until I can play those short pieces at speed and proficiently or do I keep going, adding more skills while trying to improve in all areas? It’s hard to know the proper balance between frustration and boredom, I guess.


    Glad to have you here with us, Jamie! I’d keep going. One thing you can do is use those exercises in module 2, unit 5 as a warm-up when you first pick up your uke to start practicing.

    When you’ve got those down, I’d replace them with a more musical-sounding exercise, such as the beginner level units in modules 2, 3, and 4 from our Fingerpicking Course.

    You should join us for this month’s challenge. Challenges help keep folks motivated. I’d recommend picking 1 of the 3 performance pieces from Module 5 (in the Beginner’s Course) as your goal for this month.

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