Ukulele New Years Resolution

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    I never keep new years resolutions in general, but this coming year I decided to set something more doable.

    More in keeping with the monthly challenges but instead I have a year… I decided by the end of 2019, I’m going to learn that arrangement for Niel Gows Lament for the Death of His Second Wife. (And play it WELL!)

    Anyone else have ukulele year end goals?


    ha, becky. At my age, I take one day at a time.


    Hmmm. Now I have to think of a resolution. Last year my new years resolution was to put the toilet paper on the roller. Looking forward to giving up that chore on the 1st! Maybe I’ll use the found time to play more uke.


    I’m with rickeymike. I don’t have a resolution. I’ll just take it a day at a time and enjoy my playing.

    My non-uke resolution is to get back below 70kg. It’s achievable, but it will take me a while.


    Lisa, that’s hilarious! Gave me a good laugh.

    I’m thinking of 2 ukulele resolutions…. The first one is pretty straightforward: Participate in every monthly challenge Andrew puts out there for us in 2019. That means even if I have a crazy busy month, I will do the beginner piece at a minimum, and otherwise will aspire to challenge myself with intermediate or advanced selections.

    My second resolution is to be more like rickeymike! Creative, expressive, and a positive encourager in our uke community. I get way too serious…. Rickeymike reminds us that it’s fun to play this great little instrument! (Thanks rickeymike!)


    This is not so much a resolution as a one year plan.

    I’m going to keep my set list of 14 songs alive and playable. I’m going to add at least 8 new songs to it-including at least one original and at least one level 3.

    Plus dynamics. I want to learn to get some dynamics in my playing.

    And be more like Rickey Mike. You’re right ukukelly. Wet should all strive to be more like Rickey Mike. 😁

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by lisadmh.

    I do birthday resolutions, which was earlier this month. I resolved to practice uke for a minimum of an hour per day and piano for 30 minutes. I hope to also have a new uke song memorized each month. I’d like to be playing some level 2 or 3 songs in there. I think I’m almost there already.


    Love this topic πŸ™‚

    I havent thought about it as New years resolutions (since i dont do those) but its the time for it so why not πŸ˜‰ i have wanted to learn a bit more about the music theory behind the playing, and finally finish some of the courses on here. Until now i have mainly learned Songs, whitch is fun and i love it! But i would like to be able to understand the music i am playing a bit better and maybe even be able to figure out something like a simple Chord melody version of a song i like πŸ™‚
    Oh and i will try to pick my “Ukulele aerobics” book up again to just learn and do a few techniques and train my fingers, not only by playing Songs.

    I think my goal is to not only learning a bunch of Songs and be able to play them, but to also understand them and develope a better technique for playing them πŸ™‚ … We’ll See how that is going to work out for me πŸ˜‰


    That’s a great one, gahanby. I’d love to have the musical knowledge to “just play” what I want and make music. I have made a little progress on this front. I can pick out intervals and melodies on ocarina and recorder, but doing that for chords with 4 strings is way more challenging. Interestingly, when i was able to add a little embellishment to the ending of The First Noel this month for fun, ideas from prior songs I had learned were useful more than my current level of music theory understanding. Good luck in progressing toward a great goal in 2019!


    Thank you πŸ™‚

    I have also tried to make a few tiny changes to a few Songs i have learned here and there. Changed a note or the way to play it and i really think it is fun to change an arrangement a bit so it fits your playing or the way you like to hear the song.

    But my changes are always based on playing around and just trying, not on actual “knowing what i’m doing”.. I would like to try and change that a bit in the future πŸ™‚


    Hmm. Good idea. I should add making tiny changes to songs to my goals list. Gently bump up the musical independence. I have no idea what I’m doing from a theory perspective but I’ve managed to write a few songs so I can make tweaks. Thanks for the idea. We’ve got this.


    My 2019 Uke resolution is to share a video with this community. I’m not really one for playing in front of people or making videos. However, I have gotten so much practice inspiration from people in this great community sharing videos. I want to contribute something this year. Now that it is in writing, I will most likely do it. Thanks Becky!


    Accountability time. How are y’all doing with your resolutions?

    I’m a little behind. I haven’t kept my set list alive. Must go back and practice. I have 4 new originals, which beats my goal, but only one new RC song clean (ish), beginner level, and working hard on my second. A couple others are in progress but messy. Need to focus.


    I had forgotten my goals, so I’m glad you asked. Although I forgot, it seems I forgot, because it has just become a habit. I have been getting in more than my goal practice time of 30 minutes per day. I’m not counting, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got at least a song per month memorized and I just started working on a level 2 piece this weekend.

    Now I’m considering looking into private lessons. I’ve been playing fr a year and practicing daily no problem, so I know I won’t be wasting time and money and not doing my part to get better. The question I have for myself is what my goal would be with that and how I hope to improve more with taking in person individual lessons. I’m not really even sure what I need or what I’m looking for.


    In terms of my uke resolution, I have been taking it easy and learning what I want to without putting any pressure on myself, so that is going well.

    I haven’t lost any weight though πŸ˜‰

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