Hi from Southern Nevada, USA

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    My name is Milo I am medically retired (MS) and we had gotten a subscription to ‘Master Class’ on there was one by Jake Shimabukuro – teaching ukulele. I didn’t have one but watched and wanted to do it. I have a Lohanu Ukulele tenor and struggled and thought I needed a wider nut (I have big hands) and really needed practice but I ended up getting an Islander Tenor from my wife as a gift. (And to me the wider nut helped LOL). I have some background in music from my school days so notes, timing, beat are surprisingly still there as I go through this

    I tried a few various methods to learn and decided to got with RockClass 101 as I do better with a structured plan to follow along.

    I am going through The Definitive Beginner’s Guide To Ukulele which I am enjoying but it brings me to technique is all good but wanting to ‘do/play’ something so I wanted to see do I pick out a beginner song and just try to follow along or one of the myriad of YouTube play ‘xxxxxx’ song with me that come across the feed. I even have the yellow 365 days of song. I want to learn the techniques but have fun along the way with this.

    What is am trying to figure out is (a structure)/setting up what I should do during the week or daily play every few days? Trying to figure out what structure aside from following the lessons. I came across one that said have a 20 min practice routine of 5 mins chord changes, 5 mins fingerpicking, 5 mins strumming and then 5+ t(to how long you want) of songs. If I do the beginner songs here is there an order or just pick what you like. A lot of the play alongs on YouTube are strumming and chords and using the voice line which I don’t mind doing either. Most of the ones on here I see are being instrumental mostly. After the Beginners Guide will it point to where to next? I am sure I will have questions

    Thanks for reading and having a seat on this crazy train..


    Welcome, Milo!

    First off, I’d recommend checking out Learning Paths. It’ll give you a few ideas on where to go after you complete the Beginner’s Course.

    Speaking of the Beginner’s Course, it looks like you’re about 40% of the way through it. I’d start jumping into some of the tunes in module 5 and 6. That’ll give you the fun songs to play as you continue learning the fundamentals taught in the precursor modules.

    I’d recommend creating a practice schedule that is 3 parts, for example:

    1) Technique Building – For example, developing 3 and 4 finger fingerpicking skills. There are multiple exercises for this in our fingerpicking course.

    2) Rhythmic Study – Rhythm is 1/3 of music and is almost always the part that is overlooked. Developing a good sense of rhythm and timing is best accomplished by learning to read music.

    3) Songs – Pick 1 or 2 songs at a time to work on. Think of these as the cookies, they are what help to keep you motivated and having fun! Try to pick songs that reinforce the 2 other areas of your practice schedule. A good place to start is with the performance tunes contained in the courses.

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