Howdy from SC!

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    Hi Andrew and friends!

    I come from a fairly musical background, but I got my first soprano ukulele as a gift back in Jan 2019. Totally new to string instruments! I had a ton of free time and picked up the basics pretty quick, but pretty soon tired of strumming the same few chords.

    Fur Elise was the first video of yours I came across! I remember thinking “Ukuleles can play that?!” I learned the free half of that tune as well as your arrangement for the intro to I’m Yours (total crowd pleaser) and several others.

    I fell off the bandwagon when I moved to Seattle for a new job last summer, but with all this new free time (and being back in SC with the rest of my fam for now) I am happy to be back!! I just upgraded to a concert too, mostly so I could learn the Mr. Sandman harmonics (lol).

    Anyways, I have dusted off my rusty fingers and posted an April challenge submission with Day-O! Also just purchased premium, so my next goal is to learn the 2nd half of like 10 other arrangements 😉



    LOL – I had the same realization when I first heard EVH play guitar. Literally, mind blown!

    Thank you so much for the support, Taylor. And wow! I just watched your fam jam. Totally gonna share it on our social media 🙂


    Thank you Andrew, this made my day!! What a nice surprise. Hopefully more collaborations are in our future 🙂

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