keep it steady when using Form 1

Home Page Forums Rock Class 101 Ukulele Lessons keep it steady when using Form 1

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    Hey Andrew, I go back some of your video reply and learned a lot!

    But still, my biggest question remained the same…it is very hard for me to keep ukulele stable when I use the left hand Form 1 position. Do I need to keep it steady without left hand so that my left hand can move freely?

    But you mentioned in the replay #16729 that, without left hand, the neck of the instrument will drop. But I noticed in some of your videos, you can even keep the ukulele very steady without left hand touching anything. How did you do that?

    And why do you sometimes still choose to use Form 1, when there are lots of moving through the frets, like in “Learn a Melodic Blues Song on Ukulele”? (I watched the LEFT hand beginner lesson three times, but still cant keep my ukulele steady…..)

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by nggnmm.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by nggnmm.

    Just watched your performance in the September Challenge, and I’m not seeing any issues with stability – although the majority of that tune uses form 2. Great job, btw!

    Here is a video explaining stability with form 1:


    Thanks a lot Andrew, it makes a lot of sense to me, I tried to use my left arm to keep the Ukulele stable, it works very well! Now my left hand only needs to apply very little strength, and can be much more flexible now. Thank you so much for the help !

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by nggnmm.

    Glad it was helpful! 🙂

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