Trying to get this straight

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    I just need to know if I’m misinterpreting this or smooshing things together like I do most things, or if I’m missing something key. Sorry about the lame examples.

    Dynamics is mostly how a piece is played just volume wise? Choosing when to play Loud or soft or loud and aggressively vs soft and quietly. Or making something “fade in” or “fade out” in something you’re playing? (been ocd and misinterpreting this from the beginning I think)

    Phrasing is how a group of notes is sung in your head, basing the music like sentences?? It’s how you put a music sentence you’re singing to yourself, or singing what is written down, on the instrument? Like sing this in your head with the punctuation: Mary had a little lamb. vs Mary. Had a little, Lamb. ?I see people tossing this term around a lot as either so and so has good phrasing or bad phrasing in just about every genre, so i’m assuming people are basically saying the performer/uke player/guitarist is either being blamed for “singing” aka playing their music bad or well? In a general sense its why the arrangements are broken down into melody A B C D etc. too? Because they’re different “paragraphs” of the music?

    Feel is interpretation using (Probably freaking infinite) techniques to tell the correct story or “sing” the right way to capture what the song is supposed to mean? AKA playing Rockaby Baby soft and gentle on uke/guitar/whatever then using screamo for the actual vocals to put your kid to bed is NOT the correct feel. (Although it COULD be the correct feel in a different situation aka some band NOT trying to put a kid to bed, who wants to screamo over a sweet little lullaby because it’s their totally intentional interpretation of Rockaby Baby.)

    Everywhere I’ve seen including here, mashes feel phrasing and dynamics (and other terms) together somehow, and yeah, I get that they all tie together, EVERYTHING in freaking music does. It’s like that degrees to Kevin Bacon thing. I just need to know if i’m basically on the right track semi-separating those 3 terms, and sort of understand where they’re going?


    Becky, Are you off your meds again? LOL Too deep for me. ha


    LOL Ricky!! No meds. 😂 If I had good enough meds to let me ignore my shoulders, I’d probably just vegitate and arpeggiate a C chord for 3 hours, and not worry about it, or probably much else but the pretty C chord.

    However I’ve been trying to get ‘dynamics’ since I literally started, which I WAS mostly wrong on, so i’m trying to get this straight. I wiki-ed then went other places and everything is different. Rather then waste more months, thought I should ask.

    Apparently I REALLY SUCK at explaining things, which I’m aware of, but I really tried to be SUPER clear on what I was asking up there… Thought I was clear anyway… Even left it open for a simple yes or no unless im way off base, then yes I deserve to be shot because it’s not an easy yes/no answer. Hoping I finally got it though.. It’s hard to work on something if you are working the wrong stuff.


    I think you are on the right track. I think of dynamics as loud/soft and different attacks. I think of phrasing as how a group of notes connects to each other. Phrasing to me is more about how you would sing a particular passage, what notes you would put together smoothly, where you might make breaks or pauses. Of course they overlap. My harp teacher suggested I think about how I would sing a melody and base dynamics and phrasing on that. Of course a lot of composers put in marks to help us out. Does that help? I went back and read what you wrote and then what I wrote and it seems to me we are saying the same thing.


    Becky, NO, you explain very well and in depth…..I just get lost in terminology that I don’t understand. LOL. Oh, my pet peeve is seeing someone write or talk in acronyms as if the audience knows. With that I leave you with: LSMFT (ha, I remember that one from my childhood)


    Robins thank you. 💖 And yes it makes sense. It’s just one of those things that’s been driving me up the wall. It takes things a while to click in my head, till then I over complicate things.

    And Ricky – I got used to seeing a LOT of abrevs. They used to irritate me but if you spend time in online multiplayer games you are forced to learn common ones of the moment LOL! Don’t know what yours is but my mind can’t let go of MF in it… Which can’t be typed lol


    LSMFT – it’s early television cigarette commercial that I would repeat to my parents. “So round, so firm, so fully packed” LOL It’s no wonder those commercials were finally banned in the 60s.

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