Participate in the January 2024 Member Challenge – You Decide What To Work On!

Home Page Forums Monthly Member Challenges Participate in the January 2024 Member Challenge – You Decide What To Work On!

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    @gi_gi_, thank you so much! With my nature photos in the video with the orig music, it was kind of special for me to share those that way because those are some of my favorite photos over the last decade or so, and I don’t share those very often, so it means a lot that you liked them. I always wanted to try to combine the creative things I love to do so that was a fun way to do that. I meant to say that to your first post but got distracted. 😂

    Thank you so much for sharing your story with singing! That is so amazing and special that singing has done so much for you in your life, and you got so good at it through sheer will and tenacity. 😂 That’s so inspiring. To me that’s one of the most beautiful things when a creative venture can help you overcome some difficulty in life. For me, creative things have helped me connect with people and to cope with anxiety and depression and things. So true that if your teacher or someone you’re sharing with is extremely critical that can be so discouraging which is why RC101 is such a beautiful community; everyone here is so wonderful and if there is critique, it’s kind, and not intended to put anyone down obviously (but that is definitely something that can and does happen 😅😒). I really look forward to you sharing any more of your singing going forward because it’s very beautiful. Thank you. 😊💕


    @Andrew – Sometimes plans have to be adjusted…
    I’m currently having problems with my elbows.
    Please no giveaway entry for me this month. When everything returns to normal, I will continue whis chellenges.


    Friendly Reminder – The deadline for receiving feedback and an entry into the giveaway is tonight at 11:59 PM ET (check your local time zone).


    Final submission for Valse Venezolano. First time recording to back tracking and learning two parts.

    Thanks for the feedback and tips on my first submission @Stephen.
    I’ve had a few tech fumbles tonight (needed to give myself a whole week on this bit!) and settled on recording the lead uke to the backing track provided. I’ve started experimenting with video editing software, so know I’m a step closer and as this is the first time I’ve submitted to a backing track, I’m going to give myself low key applause for that!

    Great challenge…been interesting to see all the different takes on it.


    Ok, here is my final version of “Spanish Romance”
    I am almost there but not quite. I am continuing to work on it. I hope to get up the courage to play this piece for an open mic session at “Strum In The Desert” hosted by @BernadetteTeachesMusic this weekend, down in the desert in the far south end of California. I have much more work to do
    but believe me, it is soooo much better then it was last week. I did do some more practice videos last week but forgot to post them and I can’t stand to watch them now!
    I worked with the tab viewer for the “tricky bits” and with repetition and then rest, I improved.
    thanks for the lessons @RC101!


    Hello! Here is my entry for the month! I’ve been practicing during the month and finally had time to record/ put it together, better late than never. I’ve played this so much better other times but this is the best take I could get right now. Anyway thanks so much for this challenge and encouragement to learn something new. Congrats to everyone on reaching their goals


    Hello all-

    Here is where I am for now with St. James Infirmary. I plan to keep working at it to get past the moments of brain freeze that inevitably occur on every take. Pardon the errant extra strum at the beginning–I was starting over immediately every time I messed up and there wasn’t enough of a gap for me to trim it out without losing part of the actual first strum. In my limited knowledge of editing….

    The other part of my challenge was starting to tackle some theory with the goal of reading from the staff instead of the tab, and that has been going well. So far I have memorized and can construct all the major scales and their major and perfect intervals, and can recognize the relative minors of the major scales. Super fun and challenging and satisfying. Long term project for sure.

    It’s been a really cool month watching everyone’s progress and the variety of choices. You all are amazing and I’m glad to be here learning with you.


    Have enjoyed everyone’s posts and seeing the progress. My plan had been to learn to tap and play melody at the same time and learn ‘Perfect’. Unfortunately , sometimes things come up delaying plans. An illness in the family has kept me busy. I did learn the tap and pick technique and much of ‘Perfect’. However, no time to finish on time or make a progress video. Will continue with it. Good job to all of you who challenged yourself and have met your goals.


    My goal : Learn the triplet tremolo and apply to a version of Malagueña (btw @marianne – fantastic performance!). Started well increasing from 60bpm to 90 bpm, but then a shoulder injury occurred preventing any playing for much of January (hence no progress reports).

    During this time on the side lines, I have enjoyed watching everyone’s progress and amazing entries. I also delved deeper reading about Campanella method and became somewhat obsessed – a happy coincidence that Matt’s lesson this week has some campanella in it – hope to get to that soon!

    Anyway, I changed my goal – new challenge for the coming months; to learn scales in campanella style and some pieces with campanella parts. I will go back to the tremolo technique hopefully later this year.

    Anyway I thought I would post what I have done. My first video is the D natural minor scale as even though this only 7 notes I was amazed (easily impressed!) at how campanella (arr by Sam Muir) can make a simple scale sound interesting – I play the linear scale and then campanella. I also managed to start working on a Fernando Sor etude (also arranged by Sam Muir and used in her online tutorial) which has some lovely campanella runs in it (still a WIP). I hope the ‘bell-like’ sound comes through the recording and despite my playing…

    Anyway, although I haven’t been able to properly participate in this month’s challenge it has really helped me think about goals and execution – thanks RC101!


    @jody_hendrickson – Jody, your video is showing as private, can you set it to public?


    Should be OK now, sorry about that.


    Here is my entry by the seat of my pants! I chose to learn a version of Blackbird arranged by Cynthia Lin to work on this month. I’ve done you all the favor of not singing along, but you are welcome to if you are so moved! I missed submiting a progress video as I ended up getting sick mid month and lost almost two weeks of practicing, but even so, I feel I came close to my goal. I am close to having the piece memorized. I have memorized all the different sections, just not the order that they all go in, so I had to follow along on the tabs. A few more days, a bit more polish, and I will be there. Lots of great entries this month. Fun seeing what everyone chose to do. So much variety and talent. Very inspiring!


    Hi Everyone,

    Here is my final submission for the technique challenge. I worked on slurs (hammer-ons and pull-offs). After watching the lessons, I worked on Fingerpicking Etude #24 before moving on to #25. My final video is of Fingerpicking Etude #25 (“Morning Dew” by Andrew Hardel). In hindsight, I wish I had spent more time on Etude #25 which has some fun slides in addition to the slurs.
    As I continue to work on slurs, I will aim to make them lighter (and also to increase the tempo which I think will help with this). Perhaps I’ll choose a piece with slurs for the February Challenge! 🙂

    thank you so much for your feedback on the earlier video, especially the video that you made to demonstrate it.

    As always, it’s been so much fun watching everyone’s videos and reading the posts. What a great variety of techniques!


    @maryjanew Spanish Romance is sounding great. I hope you perform it at Bernadette’s open mic — what a wonderful opportunity!



    It’s already 31 January…Yikes! Well, the goals I set for myself fell by the way side as I became somewhat obsessed with “Always With Me,”……I thought that it would take a week to prepare it, but that was not the case at all. In the first week, I realized that I had already forgotten and it took a few days to re-memorize it. Mid-month I realized that the piece wasn’t where I wanted it to be, so rather than move on I stuck with it. Also, my focus was on tempo and expression….this piece was perfect for that. Spent a lot of time with a metronome in my ear and playing along with Steve!

    As I took a step back to continue working on a previous piece, I was totally blown away by everyone elses’ submissions…..Wow! Amazing originality and creativity, impressive techniques (like harmonics) and impressive clawhammer! Congratulations uke friends!

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