Welcome Jessica! Glad to have you here with us 🙂
You can find all of our baritone song lessons here. And baritone mini lessons here.
You can manually access those link by clicking “Ukulele Songs” or “Mini Lessons” in the main menu, then selecting “Baritone” in the filter on the right hand side of the site. If you need a visual guide on how to do this, please watch the second video on this page and jump to 10:42 to learn how to sort lessons by tuning, genre, and difficulty.
There are 14 baritone lessons up right now. At the moment, all we’re planning to do with baritone is stand-alone lessons on songs. If you’re looking for courses or general playing lessons, I’d recommend using a high or low g ukulele as we have hundreds of lessons for those tunings.
Also, did you know that you can play any low G arrangement on baritone? The only difference is that you’ll be playing in a different key.
You can use the same sorting method detailed above to find all of our low G content.
Please let me know if you have any questions.