Soaring Leads – EP013
Helpful Tips
In this lesson, you’ll learn 2 melodic solos set to an anthemic backing track consisting of drums, keys and bass. We decided to call this piece of music, “Soaring Leads” for a couple reasons. One, EP013 is an awful name (lol) and two, the overall track has a very uplifting sound.
This lesson is intended for those of you who have been soloing for a while, but are interested in learning leads that mix techniques (hammer-ons, pull-offs, slides) with melodic passages.
To give you an example of the latter, the end of bar 20 (beat 4) into bar 24 uses a phrasing technique called: Call and Response. C&R means there are two distinct phrases, where the second phrase is heard as a response to the first. To put this concept into an analogy, this is the same idea as a Q&A session. A question is always responded to with an answer.
Therefore, this lesson will also present a few ideas for those of you who are interested in writing your own licks or solos.
Part 1 – Performance & Free Lesson
Part 2 – For Premium Members
Tab Play Along
Backing Track Play Along