Audio woes

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    So I finally setup my “studio” in a corner on a Costco foldable table. I’ve been collecting these items little by little over the past 3 yrs. I need to use them.

    I re-recorded my original song since the audio was fatal. I watched the Recording Course by @Andrew and realized I have all I need to have better audio. It’s a learning curve so I’m still figuring things out.

    Can someone look at this re-recording and tell me what they think of the audio?

    I’ll try to add a picture as well. Not sure if we can place pics here.


    Here’s an attempt at uploading the picture. You have to click on it to see it better.

    • This reply was modified 7 months ago by gi_gi_.
    • This reply was modified 7 months ago by gi_gi_.

    I think your audio sounds nice! It lets you hear the uke in an authentic way. I do hear a little white noise in the background, maybe it’s the A/C? I always shut mine off to record. You can up your audio quality with a mic / interface / DAW setup. Just depends how far down the rabbit hole you wanna go 😂


    @Andrew Thanks. That’s what I was using when I recorded this time but I am still in the process of figuring it out ☺️ I recorded into Ableton Live and have the mic, uke, laptop, headphones and monitors all plugged into a little Mackie ProFx6 Mixer. As I was practicing today I figured out how to get the sound to come out of the monitors. Is that how I should record for the challenges while recording from my phone to get the video? I’d kill two birds w/one stone that way.
    The video in this post was done into Ableton Live and exported as a .wav file. I then combined the audio and video using iMovie for Mac. I tried copying all the setting you use in Ableton live but the volume was maybe still a little low. I don’t know.

    Thanks for your help. I will have the studio setup all the time now so I can actually learn and make improvements.


    Your setup looks great! If you’re recording with a mic, you don’t want to play back the sound through speakers. You can play it back through the studio headphones.

    Did you try normalizing the audio? That’ll boost it up to an industry standard level. If you did, and you feel it’s still too low, I’d play around with the settings on the interface. You may have it set too low.

    Try playing around with the mic position too. You might get a better sound by bringing it closer to the soundhole.


    @Andrew Thanks. I don’t know what normalizing the audio means. I will google it 🙂


    @Andrew I just looked up how to normalize the audio in Ableton. So am I right to assum that this should be done before exporting it as a .wav file? Thanks.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 4 weeks ago by gi_gi_.

    Yes, before exporting. In the export menu, you’ll see the option to normalize, all you have to do is enable it 🙂


    @gi_gi_ this is so cool that you have set this up. I think I’m going to have to explore better recording options. Nicely done!


    @leb397 Thx a lot. You can see my Anuenue in the picture ☺️ Mine is a cedar top one with rosewood back and sides. I want to put a low G on it but keep it my high G uke 😂.


    Sounds so beautiful friend. Nice Uke!

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