Help Us Plan Our Lesson Curriculum for 2021!

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    To add to what I said above–I have seen artists such as Daniel Ho play in a way that made me feel that his uke was practically invented to do whatever song he happened to be playing, and by no one else but him. Maybe that’s just a sign of a good artist!

    Come to think of it, the Uke Orchestra of Great Britain feels that way to me when they do “Psycho Killer” haha. Something about all the ukes in unison and the players’ serious expressions. I mean, they totally own it lol. Or maybe it’s just so funny it’s makes me elevate out of my chair.


    Apologies for going off topic!


    Thanks Andrew for an amazing year! I have learned so much since joining the site. I think the idea of adding a female teacher would be a great asset to the teaching group. I also like the idea of more complex strumming and fingerpicking techniques along with vocals. I am very excited to hear about Gymnopédie No. 1. I really enjoy classical music (and many, many other genres too) so I can’t wait! Keep up the great content and can’t wait to see what is in store for the year!


    Like everyone i’ll say thank you to Andrew and his team for this amazing work. I always told that i would not be the ukulele player i am now without RC101, 100% sure. Thank you so much!

    Well, to answer to the topic i would like to know if we could think about Evan making tutorials or at least video explanations?
    I know it takes time to make videos and that he is young and has to focus on school. BUT…

    I often work on Evan’s arrangements, and for some like “bohmian rhapsody” i’m (very) happy to get a simplified version. But for a lot of others i would have like to get explanations about Evan’s version. Well i always found what i wanted but sometimes i spend 30 minuts trying to figure out what he exactly did, even with the tabviewer (you are incredible Evan haha)
    ex: “christmas song”, while playing 10 10 10 13 and 10 10 12 13 there are very quick opens that are not played with the same strenght and it’s the kind of part where i would need video explanations from Evan. Not the best example but i hope you get what i mean.

    As i’m on RC101 for a while now, i know that you encourage your members to play the arrangements with their own feelings, with their own interpretation, just keeping the melody intact. So i’m sorry for asking precise explanations of Evan’s performances all year long, i do exactly the opposit of what you say! I just need to work like this to improve my playing, like a monkey and that is why i ask you this for 2021.

    As it’s not concerning a lot of members i understand my request is not the more important, but as i plan to stay on RC101 for a looooong time, i guess we can start talking about it for the future (2022 ? 2023?).

    Thank you again RC101 😉


    Andrew, I’d like to see some more contemporary songs using Stephen’s triple stroke technique.
    I’d also like to see tabs to play some songs on both high and low G. I frequently see songs that I would like to try on low G but I don’t know how to adapt them.



    Hello! Thank you for all you do! I have learned sooooo much from your site!
    I would love to see more Low G – or when it is a High G song, how to adapt it to Low G.


    Thanks so much for last year. It brightend our lockdown a lot.
    I ve learned a lot and look forward to some tango please eg Libertango and soe more ragtime and clawhammer

    Cheers Katrin


    My request for 2021: jazz, jazz, jazz. I’m a big jazz fan, and it’s also my favorite thing to play on the ukulele. So I’d be interested in anything related to jazz. Courses on chords, chord progressions, comping, scales, improvisation, but most of all, rockklass101 style solo ukulele arrangements of jazz songs, and especially jazz standards from the great american songbook. I know there’s some stuff out there on ukulele jazz, but it’s not much, and certainly not in the rockclass101 quality.
    The ukulele is actually a perfect jazz instrument in my opinion, especially when compared to the guitar. Whenever I watch a jazz guitarist play, I almost always notice two things. First, they tend to play relatively high up the neck much of the time (as the bass player usually takes care of the lower frequencies), and second, they’re almost always busy muting two or three strings, they hardly ever strum five or six strings at once. Might as well play ukulele, is what crosses my mind then.
    General feedback: I couldn’t be happier with the content and quality of rockclass101. What appeals to me most is that the majority of the content consists of high quality song arrangements, and that you get to learn new techiques by actually learning songs. The best and most fun way to learn for me is by practicing songs, not techniques.
    I have to admit I’m a devoted high G afficionado, it’s what defines the ukulele sound to me. Low G is too close to the guitar sound for my taste. So for me it’s definitely a plus that the majority of arrangements are for high G.


    Agreed, more female teachers would be awesome.

    Another suggestion, I don’t know how many people play baritone ukulele but it would neat to learn a Fingerstyle arrangement of a song for bari uke.

    Or another course on duets. My parents and sister play uke also and enjoy learning arrangements together.

    All RC101 content is amazing, and I feel like I’ve grown so much as a uke player specifically because of the techniques taught on this site. Thanks RC101 team!!


    A great year – thank you. I love having all different topics and songs from different genres. I do like the low G as well and am happy to see a song a month. Perhaps more of the songs could be “G” neutral to make everyone happy? Matt Dahlberg’s arrangements seem to have moved that way.

    I really liked the Out in the North concept with multiple levels of the same song. I’d love to see a lesson on a basic song and have the instructor teach how he might “dress it up” – extra notes, walk downs or fills, chord substitutions, better strumming, etc.

    I also agree with the suggestion of getting Vasko from Ukulele Cheats as a guest instructor.

    All in all, I’m really happy with the way things are going at RC101. Happy holidays, Jerry.


    A big Thank You Rock Class , I go places I never thought I could with my ukulele . I start trying to learn a monthly challenge song and think no way. Somehow it comes together and I can play it. If I could just get my sr
    Stage fright under control. I suggest Chrissy as am lady teacher, I amazed how she can pull a solo out of the air, it does matter what song. She can do it, also her fingerpicking and strum patterns are different. If she want to teach.


    Hi, thanks for a wide selection of arrangement and courses!

    For 2021 I could wish more jazz, how about jazz theory and basics, or even advanced, CDS could probably cover all of that 😉

    Happy holidays from icy Norway


    @misterbones Is your username by chance taken from John Berriman’s poems?


    @cinichol No, it’s from Paul Auster’s novel Timbuktu.


    Hi Andrew
    Thanks for the opportunity to suggest content for 2021! You have a great site that has helped me enormously.

    I would love content for the Baritone uke please. Low G arrangements work often (so I second requests for more low G!) but they don’t always work on the Baritone. “Moon” for example just doesn’t sound right on the Bari.

    I’d also love more ensemble arrangements. I play in a little band that includes a few ukes and it would be great if we could feature ourselves more. We’re not up to working out our own arrangements but help with that would be super too if possible.

    Lastly, more on soloing and improvising. Sadly I seem to still be at the stage where I can learn your solos, but still not able to transfer that knowledge into coming up with my own solos, especially spontaneously. Actually this applies to most “concepts” – I “get” the concepts but have trouble applying them to different songs.

    All the best for the festive season, enjoy your break.

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