@recdog, agreed! I was maybe disproportionately excited when I saw they shared this one and it’s so beautiful with the double stops throughout. Ones like this are perfect when Matt does them because of how expressive he is when he plays. It’s true that songs like this are best without too many frills. Even if it’s a somewhat simpler version, there are always elements that are challenging and I always take away something new. This sounds strange but Matt always talked about angling the fingers differently, like towards your shoulder, and I didn’t fully get what he meant until this lesson. Because when the space increases, like going from 0087 to 0075 (it took me an eternity to figure those numbers out… 😅), changing the angle of the fingers makes that stretch less painful and awkward, and makes it smoother.
Thank you for the amazing things y’all create, so inspiring indeed! 😊