tab player sound problem on iPad

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    Hi Andrew,

    I’m having trouble getting sound when playing audio only in the tab player. For example, when I play an exercise (say learning the notes on the G string in the reading course) on the tab player on the iPad, it’s quiet. It’s quiet in both safari and chrome apps. OTOH, if I play the tab player in a song (say the first song on the blues bars) with a video, it plays fine on the iPad – even if I turn video off. They both work on a computer. But for some reason, I can’t get any noise on an audio only tab on my iPad. I’ve tried playing with the various tab player settings and the iPad volume is ok (it works if there is video in the tab player). Any ideas?



    I’ve had the same issues, but sometimes I can get it to work. I haven’t figured out how yet. Sometimes it just happens. So weird.


    No idea, Jerry. I’ll relay this info to the guys that run SS and will get back to you.


    This was his response:

    “This trips up a lot of people! Have them make sure their ringer/volume switch is turned on. It’s the binary switch on the side of the iPad. I’m 99% sure that’s the issue.”

    Sounds like there isn’t a bug – but if this isn’t the case, please let me know and I can send to him to further troubleshoot.


    No – that’s not the case. You might point out to him that if the volume was muted, I wouldn’t be able to hear the tab player with the video, the videos, etc.

    Literally, I try the tab player in the G string lesson of the music course – no sound. I click over the the blues song lesson, and it works. Both work on the computer.

    I agree with sprintingyogini (I love that name – gstriph is just too boring) — it sometimes does work without problem. But it’s happening now and often enough that I’d ask.

    And don’t be too hard on the tech guy. I had to explain to someone that a printer wouldn’t work until the power was switched on… 😉



    Okay, on it.


    Unfortunately, seems there is no fix:

    “Usually when this problem happens, that is indeed the case — audio works fine with video, just not with the synth player, and flipping the little side switch fixes it.

    I’m not sure what else it would be, to be honest. Apple does some weird things with audio in web pages…!”

    I’d suggest using a different device for the synthetic player. Sorry for the inconvenience.


    Or maybe hit refresh until it does work??


    Thanks for trying. Just to let you or your tech guy know, I went through the iPad sound and safari settings – no help. I moved the volume button up and down. I rebopted the iPad. I stood on one foot and looked right and left. No help. I tried using the chrome browser instead of safari. No help… but I did notice something. I went to the song lesson for Aura Lee. It has a video. If I started it with the setting on audio only it didn’t make noise. If I started it in the default way with video it worked, even if I then switched it to audio only. So it is something about a page that has no video. So the solution is clear – more videos 😀



    Do you think this would justify a new iPad (along with a low G tenor ukulele as rockclass101 is going low g) with my wife? Clearly, I *need* newer stuff… Perhaps you could send her a note… you know, from my teacher…😀


    LOL, I don’t think I can help you there! But the good news is the majority of our lessons have videos 🙂


    Wow that’s useful to know

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by malachi.

    I’ve been doing the start-video-and-switch-to-what-I-want-as-it’s-going trick and that works most of the time. However, it seems looping and counting in aren’t options from the start button on the iPad. I’d like to use that feature, but I’m scared if I switch between devices now I will get locked out. Suggestions?


    Ok Sprintingyogatini and Andrew- I figured it out. Your tech guy was sort of right — my iPad doesn’t have a silent switch. Volume goes up and down with side rockers. And I can hear videos and the sound slices that include videos (like the song lessons) so silent mode is clearly off. So what’s going on? In iOS12, there is a control center. There’s an icon that shows silent mode. Somehow, something on the web site or the sound slice, toggles the silent mode in the control center. With silent mode on, there’s no sound even when the volume is up. What’s odd, is that silent mode is being toggled without me doing it… when I go to a song lesson, silent mode is toggled off. When I go to a lesson w/o a video (like notes on the G string in the reading course), silent mode gets toggled on without me doing it. When I go back to a song lesson (like 12 bar blues with video/sound slice), silent mode gets toggled off without me doing it. I’ve gone back and forth and see this happen. So if I’m on the 4th string lesson, and I open up the control center, I can toggle it on manually and listen. If I leave, and come back, it gets toggled off somehow… There’s a bug somewhere… or there’s a ghost… but that’s the solution.


    Weird. I sent what you wrote to SS support, so they are aware of the issue.

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