The Baritone EP – Kickstarter now live!!

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    Hey Rock Class!! If you watched our live lesson back in December you may remember that a goal I had for myself was to record a baritone album, and…

    I’m so excited to share with you The Baritone EP!

    This short, but sweet collection of Baritone melodies is an album I’ve been working on over the past 9 months and I’m so excited to share it with you! I’ve launched a Kickstarter that you can check out linked above if you are interested in becoming a part of this adventure. You can hear an example of one of the tracks, “Old and New” from last month’s live lesson HERE.

    I’m doing a full tab book of all the tracks, and plan on adapting them for low G too!

    I’ll be sharing links to some sneak peaks to the album here, as well as on my Patreon page so stay tuned!

    Thanks for all your support over the years! Looking forward to seeing you on in a lesson here on Rock Class 101! – Matt


    @mattukulele, the one song you shared on your Patreon is so beautiful! So cool that you’ve been so inspired by the baritone to create all of this. Looking forward to hearing more!! 😊


    @mattukulele How exciting Matt. Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to be a part of the adventure. I would like to learn the baritone one day but I’m far off from that right now 🙂 Hope you reach your goals.


    @mattukulele that sounds amazing. Love the accompaniment in trio, sounds so cool.


    So Exciting! Good-luck @mattukulele……I’m happy to contribute to your kickstarter project…..and looking forward to the outcome!

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