Two Songs I’ve Been Working On “Of Late”

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    Hello friends!! 😊

    I feel like I haven’t shared anything I’ve been working on here in a really long time, even though I am always trying to create and work on new ukulele things. So, I thought I’d share a couple of uke arrangements I’ve tried to create recently, one is pretty much done and one is “in progress.” πŸ˜… Well, they’re all in progress because they might change over time, as happens. But yes, I thought I’d share a couple. 😊

    The first one is, “I Want To Hold Your Hand” (in progress):

    I wanted to share that one in particular because it was so inspired by songs here on Rock Class 101. 😊 The intro with the tremolo is inspired by Marianne’s beautiful song, Contemplations (shared yesterday), and also inspired by my goal to work on that technique this month. The verses were inspired by an arr. Steven did a while ago of Where Is My Mind? I tried to capture the feel/style he created with that. Then the chorus was inspired by an arrangement Matt did of O Come, All Ye Faithful. If you know those songs here, hopefully you can see what I was going for. πŸ˜‚ I already sent that one to Matt because I wanted to share it with him. But yes, I hope you like it; I am still hoping to add the bridge and maybe I can share that for the challenge this month because now it includes the tremolo technique. 😊

    Also, of course, I’m simultaneously working on a clawhammer version (also included in that video). I’m starting to like the way that sounds more now. πŸ˜‚

    I’ll actually come back a little later to share the second song because I think I can get a better take of it now than the recording I have. πŸ˜‚ I hope you like it first one though! Thank you if you get a chance to listen! 😊πŸ₯°


    It’s very beautiful Rachael!


    Andrew, thank you so much!! It always means extra when you like something. 😊 I hope you understand. πŸ˜… It may take a bit, but I think I’ll try to finish that one with the bridge of the song. I feel like there’s no way I’d be able to create arr. like that without all I’ve learned from here and all the different kinds of inspiration. 😊

    I still haven’t gotten to record the second song, but I should be able to on Sunday, along with the challenge song. Get ‘er done! πŸ˜‚


    @the_bumble_bard very pretty. Tremolo sounds really smooth and finishing with a little claw hammer is nice. I’m still hooked on claw hammer. Just love the sound of a bum ditty rhythm. I’m getting close to posting… look forward to yours.


    @leb397, thank you so much, friend!! 😁 I still love to try to mix different techniques like that together and see what happens. πŸ˜‚ I’m so happy you’re still hooked on clawhammer, I look forward to the next time you share something with that and to your entry in the challenge, too! 😁πŸ₯°

    Here is the second song, by the way, it took way longer than expected to get it recorded. It’s my solo uke version of I’ll Be Seeing You. I did look up a lot of chords for this one and I think that’s why this one has more harmonic depth than usual (if that’s a thing). πŸ˜‚

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