Participate in the March 2019 Member Challenge – Irish Songs!

Home Page Forums Monthly Member Challenges Participate in the March 2019 Member Challenge – Irish Songs!

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    I have taken many recordings for this submission. I liked the song so much that I didn’t mind the effort. Here is it.


    Hi! This was such a pretty arrangement and a lot of fun to play.


    Wow Nathalie! Such a great performance! 🙂


    Red Is The Rose-thanks Andrew!


    I really enjoyed learning this piece even though it need a lot more work. The song was way too high for me to sing so I spared you the torture. I know the times is off. But I still did better then I thought.


    Adding to the collection, here’s my take on Red is the Rose.


    @Rpina61 wow nice job!
    I have enjoyed listening to all of your performances, and can hear the progress this was a challenging month for sure-great job everyone!


    Here’s my submission for this month. Been away sans uke and just catching up with people’s postings. Good to hear. Due to it being the last day, and I’m quite tired, its not without flaws, even though I can do better…..



    @morrieuke1 Thanks for the compliment. It’s funny that when I’m practicing, I play with a much more relaxed feel. But as so many have mentioned, as soon as the camera is turned on, everything tenses up. I suppose that besides the main goal of getting us to practice and learn new songs, the membership challenge also gets us used to playing “live” in front of “others” … yeah, funny how playing by yourself in front of a camera seems to feel like you’re playing in front of a big audience. Anyway, I’m hoping in time and with repeated challenges that I (we) will overcome the nervousness and be able to perform just as comfortably in front of others as by ourselves. Cheers.


    Ready or not here it is. Negative criticism welcome just add one positive along with it.


    Enjoying all the great renditions of these beautiful Irish melodies. Great challenge idea, Andrew.
    Here’s my rendition of “Red is the Rose.”


    brettboy – I love the deep tone of the baritone. Honestly, this is one of your best performances that I’ve heard. So much feel and emotion in your playing. Absolutely lovely and I especially like your interpretation of the last melody.

    cyukug – Here is a quick video with one tip that will help you get a cleaner sound when transitioning from chords to single notes. Here is the lesson I referenced.

    nthibode – Brilliant performance! Your uke playing is beautiful. Keep working at the high note, check out the tips Katie left about it here.


    wongbrown – Awesome job on this tune! I can tell you put a lot of work into it 🙂

    So there are a few things that I want to point out:

    1) I want you to work on making sections a little smoother in terms of timing and transitions. Tackle this in chucks; work on 8 bar phrases.

    2) At 47 seconds, try a hammer-on/pull-off there instead of a slide.

    3) At 1:16, playing the E min chord on your fingertips makes that transition a lot harder. Fret that chord with a barre, and it will be easy to do the octave walk up that follows it.

    coffeemug – Great playing! The one thing I want to talk about is your left hand form/position. Watch your performance back and notice how a lot of times your fingers are below or behind the neck. Then watch my performance; notice how I’m always floating above the fretboard.

    Floating above the fretboard leaves our fingers in a position that is ready to be employed. It’s also going to help you get a better (less curved) placement of your pinky finger in the fret during stretch chords, like the G5. Check out this lesson for more tips on left hand form.

    morrieuke1 – Beautiful playing, Mike! Okay so for those who are watching & reading this feedback, listen to the first 20 seconds of his performance. I want you to listen to how he strums.

    He’s got three different approaches:

    1) strum down with the thumb (6 seconds) – produces a soft, warm tone.

    2) strum down with the nail of the index (13 seconds) – produces a brighter tone.

    3) arpeggiated strum (18 seconds) – highlights the individual notes of the chord.

    If I remember right, I think this is the same concept that I made a video on for another member this month. But the point here is that these little, subtle variations in our playing make a huge impact in the overall sound.

    Now the only constructive feedback that I want to offer you is in regards to the tempo. So I love that you tapped along! Now the first two melodies were awesome, but when we get to the third melody, you played it at a slower pace.

    Now I know that the third melody is the most difficult to play, but when we think of the overall performance, we want to make sure that the tempo stays consistent. So keep working at building your tempo for the last melody. But another idea in the meantime is to slow down the first two melodies so they match the tempo of the third.

    jlbross – Awesome job! Here is a short video with tips on getting proper form with barre chords.

    rpina61 – Hi Robert, very well played! I have one suggestion for you that I think would make your playing pop just that much more, and it’s to add Vibrato.

    lyndallk – Hi Lyndall, I’m always a fan of your playing 🙂 So to me, it sounds like you didn’t have as much time as you usually put into your performances, which makes sense as you said you’ve been “sans uke”. Where you’re at is great, but I know where you can take it with more time/practice.


    rickeymike – way to go, Rickey! So I spoke with Stephen and the biggest revelation that you’ve made is to recognize that the rhythm of the harmony is independent from the rhythm of the melody. This is a big breakthrough in your playing, because now you realize that not everything will match up. The other good thing is that you are strumming down and up, which gives a better sense of where the downbeat is versus the upbeat.

    For the intro, you did a wonderful job getting the rhythms accurate. Same for the fingerpicking sections. You’re also doing a great job at recognizing where the vocals come in. It looks like the private lesson with Stephen really helped out a lot! Keep doing what you’re doing because you’re making great progress 🙂

    ukukelley1 – What a beautiful performance! The only constructive feedback I can offer is to suggest to memorize it. 🙂 keep up the excellent work, Sheryl!


    I stumbled upon this site early this week because of Andrew’s fingerpicking version of “Happy Birthday”, which I started practicing right away to play to my little sister. 😉
    When I saw this challenge it intrigued me immediately. I’m a beginner with the Ukulele and have mostly played chord progressions to accompany songs – so fingerpicking is an entirely different universe for me.

    This was on Thursday, and I decided to just give it a go, try my best and have fun. So here is my try at the first of the three sections of “Danny boy” – with a lot of room for improvement. 😀

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