Participate in the August 2020 Member Challenge – Theme: Songs You Requested!

Home Page Forums Monthly Member Challenges Participate in the August 2020 Member Challenge – Theme: Songs You Requested!

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    Hi Rock Class 101 Community! We are back with site member challenge #41! WOW, there has now been over 1,800+ members participating in our challenges!

    If you’ve sat on the sidelines, please join us for this month’s challenge! Challenges are a fun way to stay motivated and a great way to meet fellow ukulele players who are passionate about learning and becoming better players. And I offer feedback on ALL submissions! 🙂

    Please watch the video above and read instructions below carefully for details/instructions on this month’s challenge.

    Pick 1 from the following 3 Requested Songs:

    1) “Rainbow Connection” * – This adorable song was famously sung by Kermit the Frog in the 1979 film, The Muppet Movie. The big takeaway of this arrangement is to help you develop sustain in your playing. * Taught in its entirety for FREE!

    2) “Harvest Moon” by Neil Young * I’ve always loved this song as its lush harmony and melody perfectly encapsulates the feeling of everlasting romance. From a fingerpicking standpoint, this song ranks at a seasoned beginner level. * Taught in its entirety for FREE!

    3) “Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton – A beautiful love song that has stood the test of time. This fingerstyle arrangement is perfect for the intermediate level player.

    ** If you need assistance with how to record yourself check out our FREE course on recording audio/video and/or private message me and I will be happy to help you out. **



    1. Beginner Level: Be able to play one of the lessons as shown by Andrew smoothly and in time. Do not worry about trying to play fast; slow and steady wins the race 🙂

    Recommended Piece: “Rainbow Connection”

    2. Intermediate to Advanced Level: Be able to play the lesson as shown by Andrew smoothly, in time, and at or close to the original piece’s tempo.

    Recommended Piece (from easier to harder): “Harvest Moon” OR “Wonderful Tonight”

    3. Participation Goal: 50 Rock Class 101 Member Participant Videos/MP3 posted.



    1. Post your Youtube, Vimeo, or Soundcloud links of you playing 1 of the 3 Requested Songs anytime between Saturday, August 1st till Monday, August 31st, 11:59pm EST.

    The upload feature on the site only supports file sizes up to 5 MB. Members must host their own files. Creating an account is easy and free 🙂 Here are the links to create an account:

    YouTube (For Video) –

    SoundCloud (For Audio) –

    2. Submit individually, as a reply, IN THIS POST.

    3. Feel free to submit more than one video for the challenge, but additional videos will not count as extra entries into the raffle for the prize.

    4. Have fun and don’t be intimidated by this challenge!!! Use this challenge to help you set goals and complete them by a deadline. You can also use this as an opportunity to chat with your fellow Rock Class 101 members and share tips or tricks on this challenge that you think are useful.

    5. You must perform the entire piece to receive an entry into the prize raffle. Performance must be submitted by the deadline listed (in #1) above to gain an entry in the raffle, as well as, to receive feedback.

    * Note: In my opinion, it is better to show progress versus perfection with these challenges. So if you are a beginner and can only play the first couple of measures. That is completely ok. If you play two more measures of the next challenge piece than you did the previous one, you are on track to getting better. This is what these challenges are about… you learning ukulele and getting better. Remember we are all here to support you no matter what your current playing level is.



    1) The prize and the challenge is open to the entire world!

    2) Premium membership is NOT required to participate, but will make participation easier as it gains you complete access to the full video lessons, tabs, and the on-screen tab viewer.

    3) Basic membership (free) is required to submit a reply on this forum post. You can sign up for Basic Membership HERE.

    4) To post YouTube video links (in which they appear embedded on the forum), simply copy and past the video URL in its own line. For example:

    YouTube URL

    5) We will ship the artwork to you for FREE, regardless of where you live.


    Giveaway Rules:

    There will be 1 winner, selected by random drawing on September 5th, 2020. To qualify to win, you must submit your audio and/or video links of your playing by the deadline listed above.

    Grand Prize Includes:

    A) 1 Custom, Hand-Drawn Illustration of 1 Person with your Ukulele. In color, on A5, archival card – created with high quality materials. The artwork will be completed by fellow RC101 premium member, Nicole Candeloro ( @NickyG ).

    B) You will also receive 1 digital copy for sharing with friends on social media.

    * The winner will need to provide photos to Nicole of: 

    1) A clear headshot, a clear body shot, clear shots of their ukulele.

    2) Preferably one photo showcasing the desired pose with the uke.

    3) Along with shots of any details up-close that might help.





    Check out her illustrations at:


Follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

    Nicole is a qualified fashion designer from Australia, who runs her own illustration business creating fashion illustrations as well as meaningful personalized portraits e.g. special events, bride and groom, gifts, etc. 

    Nicole’s unique 1950s/punk design collection was selected to be showcased at Melbourne Fashion Week, one of the largest fashion shows in the world, last year. And Rock Class 101-ers have the chance to win one of their very own personalized illustration of themselves with their ukulele created by Nicole!

    AND A SPECIAL THANKS TO YOU! Let’s crush this challenge!


    If you guys dig 80’s me (LOL), check out our new T-Shirts!



    That’s a very unique reward. Hope to be lucky.

    Also I’m liking that new Rock the Uke shirt <3


    I’m in for Wonderful Tonight.

    Cute prize. Thanks for contributing, Nicky. Does it have to be a “person”? Can it be a uke and a cat? LOL


    Nice prize and great song selection. It’s going to be a difficult decision.


    I really like the 80s illustration of you, Andrew. It’s so cute 👍 I have just ordered two t shirts. So want to have one of the new one too. Guess I have to hold my breathe for now. Xx Sheila


    I am a complete beginner and have no prior knowledge.. Learning Rainbow connection will be a big challange but I am gonna try my best..


    I already had this video in the can and am glad to share it for the monthly challenge. The photo you’ll see is from 1967; I’m holding the uke and my sister is struggling with the guitar. Clearly, we wanted to start a band and the ukulele was my instrument of choice even back then. A quick trip to eBay and I was able to replace the TV Pal; a new set of strings and a half-step lower tuning made it instantly playable. Nicole…I’d like to commission you to do a recreation of that photograph!


    @deadbuggy that was great! I feel like you have a different uke every performance lol.


    @b_ukes_101 i’ve been checking out some of the July uploads today, specifically for freight train versions! Did you manage to get past the thumb playing focus?!


    No way to be faster than deadbuggy! 😀
    I’ve been focusing on rainbow connection cause I was wanting to play something relaxing during stressful times. I will put more time into it but wanted to get the “stressful” performance out of the way 😉
    Glad to be participating again.

    And: Big fan of matts arrangements!

    I’m looking forward to all the other contributions.


    Loved learning this song. Sounds so pretty.
    I’m a premium member

    Aloha Rick


    henri0, yes I did!! I just checked out the fingerpicking course and my problem was solved within a few days. I still use the thumb in some songs though.


    @b_ukes_101 I saw it! Well done and really well played. I realise my issue is the opposite…barely using thumb at all 🤦

    I’ve also had a lightbulb moment today from watching everyone else on video: that I’m being too heavy handed…having made some adjustments it’s instantly improved things. Can’t wait to get into this challenge now with these delicate tunes that will benefit from a lighter touch 🤞


    Thats great henri0!

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