Participate in the November 2023 Member Challenge – WIN $935 Kanile’a

Home Page Forums Monthly Member Challenges Participate in the November 2023 Member Challenge – WIN $935 Kanile’a

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    @deadbuggy – Nice job on “always with me”. You look so relaxed playing this. I’m working on this as well this month. It’s one of those tunes that sticks in your head. Love it. Remember that you are doing a reverse strum on bar 35 to get the melody note ringing out last. 🙂 [Trying to be useful]

    – Sound good! 😛

    – Impressive 😀 Loved it.


    @muzikmama – Nice job. The only “suggestion” I would provide is try and play a bit more legato. You are playing the melody notes a bit staccato (short) where this tune aches to have those melody notes ring out… 😀 Awesome playing.


    @The_Bumble_Bard Thank you! I kinda understand, but at least the little white and blue Totoro are really cute. 😊😅

    Thanks so much! Your performance was beautiful as well! 😊 But where were your cats in the video? Maybe asleep because it was so soothing 😴😊

    Thanks! 😊


    Love the sound of your custom Kanile’a @jbmills07 .You look “happy” with emotion playing it. Glad you will continue to showcase it. We can all 🙏🤞for our chance 😁.
    I watched Spirited Away with my grandkids and for a long movie, it kept their attention and mine. Incredible artistry. I waited till the end and watched all the credits so I could hear the beautiful voice singing the song. Highly recommend as others did.
    @the_bumble_bard, I have no doubt your entry will inspire all of us with your creative touch. I’m still chipping away with “spirit”.
    @muzikmama cool sound from your Uke. I enjoyed it

    I think you should post your Avatar Ang costume, I’m sure it had your custom flair added 😀

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by leb397.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by leb397.

    @jgillard Thanks! I noticed that too and have to work on it. Maybe I should have given myself more of a chance and kept at it to rectify the mistakes.

    Thanks, I appreciate it. It was a recording of a recording as I couldn’t find the Soundcloud upload function so used a different device.

    (Ps: I’ve been having issues with sound cloud guys. Will upload it differently next time).

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by .

    @jbmills07, very beautiful playing! That kanile’a sounds so nice, too. Ha … I can try to do that, a “before and after” (hopefully there will be a big enough difference). 😂 I’ve meant to try that before, but it just didn’t quite happen due to forgetful spasticness. I could try to record the first, maybe second, playthrough, that could be interesting. 😊

    , ha, I can see how they are cute, too, but this might fit into the category of “things 95% of people find cute, but I find creepy,” like sloths, monkeys, and certain owls. I can see it though. 😅

    @muzikmama, very lovely playing! I do agree with @jgillard that a bit more legato-ness would be a good approach. 😊

    , awww, thank you so much! That’s so nice. 😊 I don’t think I’ll be too creative with that one until I learn it completely. 😅 So looking forward to your entry! Maybe during the week this week I’ll give that movie Spirited Away a watch. 😊


    @Leb397 and @The_Bumble_Bard we watched both ‘Spirited Away’ and ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ over the weekend….opening the world of anime and the genius of Hayao Miyazaki to our family. I highly recommend it……takes this challenge to another level!


    @The_Bumble_Bard Thank you!
    Thanks again @Andrew for sorting out my Sound cloud link.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by .
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by .

    Hi all,
    I haven’t posted in awhile. I have been learning songs but not getting them to the “camera ready” point. This one is for my 2 year old granddaughter. She loves Studio Ghibli movies, especially this one. A beautiful arrangement. Thanks, Matt.


    @jbmills07 – Pacing and feel were spot on for the 1st and 3rd tune, Justin! Excellent playing! For the 2nd tune, I head a bit of rushing in some spots in the pacing. Try playing along with Matt in the tab player. It doesn’t sound like it will take much work to perfect the flow.

    @muzikmama – Beautifully played! @jgillard offered some great advice. I’d add on, to do what he suggested, would be to keep finger pressure held down throughout the entire notes duration.

    I’d also suggest focusing the most on practicing the B Melody. Work on keeping the tempo a little more steady. Overall, you did an excellent job 🙂

    – Great to see you back, Kathy! And wow, what a performance! Absolutely gorgeous. Great feel throughout!

    P.S. Don’t forget the premium tag 😉


    @Andrew Thanks for the advice. I know in melody B I fumbled a note which messed up my flow and I stepped out for a coffee break elsewhere 😆(forgetfulness).


    Okay, so, @jbmills07, you asked if I could record an earlier take for a “before and after,” well, here is the literal first take, going in cold. 😂 This may even be too early of a take. I feel like maybe I would have done ever so slightly better if I had watched the video right before and if I weren’t “trying to be entertaining” instead of sitting in silence the whole time but these are all excuses. Hope you enjoy me fumbling around in “scum mode” (because I recorded immediately after work in my tattered, Little Orphan Annie clothes and filth). 😂 I’ll record a more complete take later, but thought this could be interesting. 😅😳


    @the_bumble_bard well I think you’d be surprised how similar you sound to my start out of the gate! Guess I’m not only one. You are a champ opening up and exposing the REAL world of practice. Last week I almost quit this same song. Got so frustrated playing verse 1 before you get to crazy chorus. I had a block till I finally moved on and now chorus seems easier. Now I’m not saying it’s clean but I can get through it as of 11/8. Good luck. You are a good musician.👏😊


    @leb397, ha, it’s good to know that most students here probably sound that way the very first take. 😅 I won’t lie; I was second guessing sharing that one, but I’m glad that it can be a good example hopefully, lol. I’m so glad you didn’t quit but kept going! That is sometimes what it takes, is to move forward, then backtrack again to the part you were struggling with. I haven’t gotten that far yet; I’m a little nervous but it’s encouraging that you pushed through. 😅 Thank you so much, my friend! Am I a musician? Only time will tell. 😂😅😭😳

    Oh, I was going to say, normally I watch the video once, fully paying attention and watching then listen to it multiple times. Then I play through the arrangement completely, then watch the video again because there are always things you notice more once you’ve played through it.

    And also, @dianna, I really need to watch that! Maybe tonight or tomorrow I can finally. 😅



    I thought I would get in on the early action here. This is a first take of “Always with me – Spirited Away”. It’s a bit rough as I don’t have this memorized yet.. I also don’t have my tempo completely locked in. (I need more practice) Anyways, comments are welcome! 🙂

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