Participate in the July 2024 Member Challenge – Original Music!

Home Page Forums Monthly Member Challenges Participate in the July 2024 Member Challenge – Original Music!

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    Travis Picking Etude – ML023
    I’m really enjoying this lesson and this picking practice. I still have to get it up to speed and without pauses but it is 2:30 am here! we are leaving for the airport in about for the Azore Islands, Portugal! I’m so excited. I have been having trouble with my sound, every time I recored my practice, there is lots of static and weird background noise, so frustrating! I sound like I’m underwater so I made it look like that too! Hopefully I’ll be on the beach unless than 24 hours.
    Happy Summer! 🥰🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼


    I don’t have enough time to learn new things,but this etude sounds easy and fun. I’m a premium member.


    Hi everyone! Here’s this month’s recording:



    Hi all,

    this month I chose the Travis Picking Etude – a simple and beautiful arrangement. 😊
    The recording features my new low G ukulele from the February challenge! 😊 I love it soo much. 💕
    (It’s still in that state where it gets out of tune very fast and it still smells like new haha 😅)

    I didn’t find the time for creating an original (maybe I have too many hobbies and not enough time 😅) and got sick (influenza) for one week as well…

    Good job everyone who posted an original tune! 😊 I listened to all of them and I am impressed by the composing skills of this community.


    @kelsey91 Love the words! such a fun summer song and ready to hit the sun and fun!!! YES you have the tagging correct with the “@” before screen name.

    Thank you! I have to research this because I have an IPad but not a MAC computer or iphone. I’ve been using my Samsung to record. Originally I could use IMovie to edit/record on IPad then moved it to Dropbox to convert… unfortunately their fees went up so haven’t upgraded… anyway. Nice of you to send link and I’ll work on it.

    love your AnueNue! so pretty and your recording set up is crazy cool.

    your arm seems to be getting better – you played that well. I’ve had that arm strain/tennis elbow before and it took me 3 months of basically not using it! Hopefully you are back at RC for good.

    – nice take! We grannies have to stick together 🙂


    Hi all,

    This challenge has motivated me to finally learn travis picking.


    Friendly Reminder – The deadline for receiving feedback and an entry into the giveaway is tonight at 11:59 PM ET (check your local time zone).


    @leb397 already left many lovely comments for everyone, but just wanted to say to a few people:

    , that was a really lovely composition and so sweet that you wrote it with your son! It’s pretty special to start out musical endeavors early on like that and to work on things together. 😊

    , really good to see you pop in here, friend! Along with orange kitty and secret, left-justified shadow kitty. 😅 I remember you mentioned the other kitties besides Ziggy’s names but I can’t remember which were which now. 😂😅 I know one was Rock Steady. Anyway really sorry your arm is still bothering you, but hope you heal up very soon and your playing was still very beautiful! 😊

    very beautifully played, friend! 😊 I hope at some point you do get a chance to share an orig, I’m sure it’d be very lovely indeed! 😊💕


    This month, I took on the original song challenge and created “Luna Over Playa,” inspired by the nights in Playa del Carmen where I live now.

    I aimed for a style similar to Joe Hisaishi Mika Kane’s arragement and the 4/4 waltz arrangement. The piece has two main sections, and while I’m still tweaking it, I’m happy with how it’s coming along. The idea came from studying Mika Kane’s lessons, especially the “Merry-Go-Round” waltz. I hope you enjoy it!

    I am a premium member.



    Here is my submission for this month’s challenge, “Travis Picking Etude – ML023.” I didn’t have as much time to practice as I would have liked, but it was a fun song to learn about the Travis picking technique. Thanks for hosting the monthly challenges.



    @emiliano that was incredibly beautiful!!!!!!! Just amazing you composed that. 👏👏👏


    @emiliano, absolutely stunning! Along with the beautiful composition, the dynamics you played with captured the scene in the title so beautifully. I actually teared up a bit listening to that. 😂 Well done! 😊


    It’s exactly a year since I got my first uke & between you guys & a few other online teachers I’ve learned so much, thank you. It’s such a lovely community & I’ve learned more than I ever expected. I still have so very much more to learn & I look forward to it.

    I sure as heck didn’t expect to be writing my own song. . .ever! Honestly, I don’t know what the heck I’m doing. I’m playing something that sounds nice to me from a few chord progressions I like to play when I’m just twiddling about. I just expanded them a bit/joined them together. I don’t really know how well it hangs together? I always leave recording until the very last minute because it makes me so nervous, so there are a few fluffs but I’ve run out of time & want to submit something in time for feedback. All advice & analysis (including from other students) is most welcome. 😃

    Congrats to all who entered this month. It’s been brilliant to hear such a wide range of styles & creatively & to hear from folk the process of how their songs came to be. Your talent, enthusiasm & encouragement are all wonderful. ♥️

    Please excuse me from the prize draw this month.


    @leb397: Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed it. 😊

    : Thank you! I’m really happy it resonated with you. It’s great to know the music captured the feeling of the title. 😊 It’s been a really busy month here since it’s the high season for tourism. I work in a travel agency, so there’s tons of work to do daily. Haha not a lot of time to uke sadly!

    I also listened to your “Peanut Butter Jeff’s Melancholy Slide Whistle” original song. The clasical ending after the slide was really cool. I’ve never practiced the clawhammer technique, but your piece inspired me to give it a try. Maybe August will be the month I start learning it! 😊

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by emiliano.

    @emiliano lovely piece. Congrats on winning the baritone last month. Glad to see you back.

    Wow! That was incredible. You’ve only been playing a year? Congrats…

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