Participate in the July 2024 Member Challenge – Original Music!

Home Page Forums Monthly Member Challenges Participate in the July 2024 Member Challenge – Original Music!

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    @ruthie-roo, ha not at all. I actually really like when people give that kind of feedback here. I’m also not even remotely an expert, but just get really excited about topics like these obviously. 😂

    Haha!! Coming up with silly titles like that is the same kind of enjoyment I get from writing the ridiculous posts in the live lessons here, especially because Matt’s reactions / ratorts are always so funny. 😅😂 Thank you so much for that! That makes me really happy that you think that blending of styles worked! I think I will continue to try things like that, especially trying clawhammer with styles that can be very different genres, like classical. I find it interesting to try to blend things that don’t necessarily naturally go together. 😅😂

    That’s interesting that you created your song through noodling. I feel like some people generally like to create songs with a specific chord progression in mind as a starting point, plan out what they want to create more, and for other people, it’s much more spontaneous. I fall into the second category as well for sure. 😂 I love that and find it so exciting to create with no plan in mind. But, it also can be really fun to take a song that you already know as a starting point and modify it until it becomes something else. I like doing that too. I hope you do continue to create, like Andrew said, you’ve got a knack for it! I think he said that. Either way it’s true. 😂 And you should share it here if you do! Thank you for the nice replies!! 😁😂💕


    @ruthie-roo Thank you so much for your kind words, really appreciated! 🙂


    @gi_gi @ruthie-roo
    Thank you for listening and the nice feedback!



    Thanks Andrew for the feature glad you enjoyed it! 🙂 Looking forward to more challenges!


    @morrieuke1 – congratulations!

    – thank-you for the review♥️…..and thank-you for taking the initiative to give a shout out to everyone who created an original……that is no small feat….greatly appreciated.

    , I agree …..this was a great challenge!


    @gi_gi_ Thank you so much! The ukulele arrived at my aunt’s house today. Now, I need to coordinate with her and find a good deal on plane tickets to go pick it up, haha. I’m super excited and already thinking about doing some two-ukulele covers once I have it!

    – Thank you so much! I’m thrilled you enjoyed it. Playa Del Carmen is definitely worth a visit! 😂 I’m sure you’d play it beautifully. Let me know if you need any tips or help learning it

    – Thanks a lot, Andrew! I’m glad you liked it. Sending it to Mika with my comments means a lot to me. His lessons have been incredibly inspiring and fun to try.

    – Thank you so much! I appreciate your encouragement! I definitely plan to keep making time for the uke despite daily life obligations. 😊 I’d be honored for you to learn my tune! Let me know if you need any tips or help figuring out the shapes. 😅


    thank you so much @ruthie_roo! 🙂


    That was some lovely playing.


    • This reply was modified 5 months, 4 weeks ago by camper.

    @emiliano, good to know that you’ll keep making time for uke! You’ve got skillz for sure. Ha! I’ll let you know if I do need help with that, it’s likely, tbh. 😅😂

    I’m still grieving the loss of this challenge. I was on such a massive high of excitement from seeing everyone’s original tunes. 😂 Still excited for the next challenges though because it seems like there are some amazing ones coming up. 😊


    Enjoyed listening to your playig.


    I enjoyed listening to this song.
    It has some lovely melancholy dissonance –
    Just right for October.
    And thank you, Ruthie-too, for the thoughtful comments about my song! It was fun to create and play.

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