Participate in the March 2024 Member Challenge: Irish Songs!

Home Page Forums Monthly Member Challenges Participate in the March 2024 Member Challenge: Irish Songs!

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    When I listened to the arrangement of Red is the Rose I thought it was such a beautiful and intricate piece that I’d never be able to play, but endless hours later I’ve managed to play it 🙂 I really struggled with the second part, which I think will take a few weeks to get comfortable with. Great exercise. Hopefully this is adequate as an entry!

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by willw18.
    • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by willw18.

    @gi_gi_ I started playing guitar around 12 years old (I’m 42 now). I got pretty good but I hit a plateau in my late 20s early 30s when I had young kids and I was really into tea and tea culture. Making music was not a big part of my life during those years.

    I’ve been into the Uke for 9 years now! Before 2015 I never had any interest in the ukulele. In a way I have Marie Kondo to thank for getting me into the instrument. A friendly regular customer at the teashop I worked for asked me one day, totally out of the blue, if I wanted an old ukulele. She said she was reading The Art of Tidying Up and getting rid of things in her house that no longer sparked joy 🙂 I said “sure, why not, I’ll give it a try” – And I’m so glad I did ’cause once I started messing around with it I quickly fell in love.


    @willw18 – Beautifully played, Will! Keep up the great work 🙂


    @Brettboy that’s an amazing story of how you started to play the uke. I too started with the guitar first. A friend saw my guitar on the wall during a Zoom Meeting and asked about it. I said I was teaching myself guitar. He insisted I try the ukulele. He kept saying he knew I would fall in love with it. He said his Mom played and taught him and he used to sell them on Ebay. He said he would have his wife drop one off at my home if I would agree to give it a try. This was during Covid and he was sooooo right. I fell in love with it in about 3 days 😂😂😂. I neglect all my other instruments now (the guitar, piano and violin). The uke chose me ☺️


    Awesome! That is similar. We went from not really thinking about the Uke… to obsession!


    Couldn’t describe it better 😂


    Hello group,

    This month i’m going away on a trip so I had less time to practice, but here is my take at Red is the Rose, cheers!



    This month I worked on Danny Boy. To get better into my range I used a capo. I made a few small changes to the accompaniment toward the end.

    I am a premium member


    @lhamilton love it when you whistle. What a perfect song for the 👏.

    . Very nice and impressive you hit those notes not looking. 👍


    great musical journey. You are a natural and you YouTube posts equally enjoyable. You make it look easy but fun to watch too. All the Irish posts are amazing.
    @TBB look forward to what you have planned.
    I’m still working through Red is the Rose… only positive is I can actually play through it and 16 days ago I wouldn’t have bet a dime I’d get that far 😳🤣


    PS. @deadbuggy beautiful as always.


    @willw18, very pretty!! 😊

    , very lovely playing! I think that tune sounds a lot like the Scottish tune “Loch Lomond.” Not exactly the same, but very similar. Lovely indeed! 😊

    , very beautiful! I agree with @leb397 that your whistling is always on point! So very beautiful.

    , haha, thank you! Hopefully I can pull together what I’m imagining. I have been practicing every day this month but I realized I might have mis-memorized part of it. Whoopsies, hopefully I can fix that. 😂😅😳 Looking forward to your performance of that one, it’s so pretty! 😊


    @shmu88 – Bravo Sam! Beautiful performance, I will def share this on our socials 🙂

    – Beautiful performance, Linda! Excellent whistling, as always! I have a couple suggestions. For the intro, I would draw it out more, as to match the feel of how you whistled it. For the accompaniment during the whistling, double check the rhythms Katie’s playing. I can hear that some of them are throwing you off a little bit. Try playing along and counting the rhythms out-loud with the tab player in “synthetic” mode.


    Thanks Andrew!


    Wowee! Everyone is awesome…

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