Participate in the August 2017 Member Challenge – Hawaiian Themed

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    Hi Andrew,

    Here is version 2 after 2 weeks. I was intended to put this one to the same post to see the difference.

    I have tried to work on fretting gentler and a bit vibrato. sometimes I feel not press hard enough to make a clear sound. well, I guess it all comes out from practicing.

    Another question is that when is the timing to do a vibrato in a bar? I was pretty much doing it on feeling…



    Hi Ser, here is a short video with some tips 🙂 Great job btw! Let me know if you have questions.


    Almost forgot, thank you Pam 🙂 You’re too kind!


    Hi, Andrew,

    Once again, I wish to participate in the monthly challenge just for fun, not to win anything.
    Thanks for hosting these enjoyable challenges.

    Vida Fenton


    Hi, Andrew,

    The performance that I just posted seemed to me to be very stiff and mechanical. I wanted to make sure that I played the piece at the recommended speed and stayed right with the metronome’s beat. I need to do a lot more work on this piece. I notice that the other performers were a lot more relaxed with their playing than I was. There was also more expression. What do I need most to work on?

    Thanks for your recommendations.


    Vida Fenton


    I can’t even say how much I love this song, and I wouldn’t have tried it being at level two. Thanks Andrew.

    It’s far from perfect, really rough at the beginning, and there’s an extra bar in there somewhere near the end, but I made it all the way through. I will definitely continue working on this, cleaning it up, and getting the memorization down. I want to be able to play this right.

    Feedback welcome, from all!


    Awesome job Vida! Here are some tips for you about sustaining chords.


    I love the ending Lisa, too funny lol! You did an awesome job, so cool! That’s a looong tune too! I think you have a great base established, so what I work on moving forward is the same advice I gave to Marisa and is featured in this article/video. In summary, it’s to memorize the tune and then focus on how you are playing it, so smoothing it out and connecting the transitions. Also, check out the video I left above for Vida, that would be great for you to work on too. But, truly great job, keep up the good work!


    Thanks Andrew. I working on memorizing but it is a long song. I can play all the bars individually without the sheets, and some extended stretches, but I can’t seem to remember what section comes next, when. Will continue trying as it definitely sounds better when I’m not focused on the sheets.

    As for sustaining, yes, sounds better when you sustain the notes more, but how does one do that?


    Ok here is my go at Waimanalo Blues. This was a real challenge for me this month – so much so that I’ve practised to the point of giving myself tendonititis in my left wrist so need to take a few days off from playing to let it go down a bit. You will see my frustrated face ALOT in this video, partly because every time I hit record I make stupid mistakes, partly because my wrist hurts haha. I know it’s far from perfect – but I’m pleased I made it all the way through the piece 🙂

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by kayleighb.

    Lisa, sustaining comes down to letting the notes/chords ring for the duration of their respective rhythmic value. Physical factors include holding down the notes/chords long enough to let them ring into each other. Part of getting this down easier, includes memorizing the piece so you can focus on how you are performing it. Actually, Kay did an excellent job on this! If you watch her performance above, you can hear how everything rings into each other. She’s going a great slow and steady speed, but most importantly, it stays constant. A great lesson for the future would include covering all the variables for “perfecting” a piece – although nothing I ever play is perfect lol.

    I really loved your performance Kay, it clearly shows you worked hard! Excellent job! My only suggestion for you is to loosen up on the right hand wrist. We should have no tension in our plucking hand/forearm. Also, take breaks and stretch if your wrist is bothering you 🙂 Now I sound like my Physical Therapist 🙂


    Thanks Andrew. My wrists definitely need a few days off now! Before I start the next challenge I want to go back and continue on the beginners course and tighten up some of the skills I learned in this – hammer ons, pull offs etc as this was all very new to me.


    First of all, I ask your forgiveness for this terrible execution. At my side I can only say that I have just come back from the sea and I have exercised only one day. Also, I did not have the time to learn the score in memory, so I printed all the sheets and scattered them in front and I played while reading them. That’s why I did only audio files, I had to move to read the scores. I hope to upload something better till tomorrow.


    No worries MT 🙂 I appreciate you participating, we all know how crazy busy life gets! Let me know if you need any help. Keep up the good work!


    Hi, Here’s my enter for the August Challenge. I’m playing Waimanalo Blues. Still working on smoother transitions, playing the pull offs better and keeping an even tempo.

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