Participate in the December 2020 Member Challenge – LAST CHANCE TO WIN Kanile’a

Home Page Forums Monthly Member Challenges Participate in the December 2020 Member Challenge – LAST CHANCE TO WIN Kanile’a

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    Wow, I think I found my new family. I just started playing the ukulele about a year ago. I’m not very good yet but I really enjoy playing. I work as a special education teacher for young people experiencing mental illness due to childhood trauma. The ukulele has been an amazing tool in the classroom. When students are experiencing anxiety, they’ll grab a uke, mute their strings, and practice strumming or chord progression. I’m super excited to learn from


    Thanks @Andrew and @Steven! I’m working on The Carol of the Bells and really enjoying it. I have a tenor but it’s not in low G, however I think it sounds really nice on my Baritone (DGBE) following the tab. Is it okay if I submit my challenge recording on my Baritone?
    — Jane


    @spanxbrc – it’s very heartwarming to hear that it helps calm the students πŸ™‚

    – Okay with me!


    @dividedsky – can’t wait to hear it played on baritone. Go for it πŸ€™


    I am a Premium Member

    Carol of the Bells. Still working on getting all the notes to ring clear.


    @mark1256 – Great job on the timing and sustain, Mark! Keep working on that first part of Theme 3 – the chord changes – I think that’s the hardest part of this arr. But, overall it was awesome! Well played πŸ™‚


    After months, I am really excited sharing another video with you guys! Here’s my entry but I think it still needs more practice.

    Hope you like it! πŸ™‚



    Hi! Here is my rendition of this lovely ‘Deck the Halls’ arrangement. Thanks Matt! I enjoyed learning it.I would have worn an ugly sweater but I don’t own one πŸ™‚
    Andrew I donated $20.



    Hi Andrew – I’m not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question, but here goes.

    In all the challenge videos I’ve posted I’m dismayed to notice that I’m constantly looking at the fretboard. I would like to develop the ability and confidence NOT to look all the time, but rather have muscle-memory for my fingers to find the right string and the right fret – at least for the first four or five frets, at least when the jumps are not too big.

    I know in general that the key is to practice slowly, in small increments, then work up. But what material would you recommend to practice for learning the fretboard – scales? Other exercises? Chord progressions? Passages from a song I’m working on? All of the above?

    Any tips or suggestions would be welcome! Thanks!


    @andyrose – Hi, Andy! You asked 2 different questions. For becoming comfortable with playing without looking, the best advice I can give is what I used to do: play in the dark. Can’t cheat that way πŸ˜‰

    For scale practice, please see this post. For the fretboard, I’d start by memorizing the non accidental notes on one string per week. This advice is detailed more in module 1, unit 2 in our theory course. You also want to work in tandem with learning the basics of theory – which is what module 1 covers.


    HI. Premium member, beginner.

    I have been able to play it perfectly, but when I record myself, same story again, I become nervous. But honestly by the time I am less and less nervous during recordings, I start to become more confident. I like it. Thanks to you guys, your courses are awesome, your teaching style is perfect. It allows me to learn properly and quickly.
    I followed your last month recommendation, I studied and worked on the rythm. I better understand now and will continue to improve my rythm.

    While you listen to this one below, I will go practice “The Christmas Song”. Already started and will probably post it, as I feel I will master it before end of December month.

    Keep your great work team, thank you again!!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by patparr.

    Hi everyone! IΒ΄m here again sharing my ukelele passion. This time with “Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah”. Thank you for the lesson and the beautiful arrangement πŸ™‚


    Thanks, Andrew, for the super-quick response! Playing in the dark – now that sounds REALLY hard-core, since you can’t see either the fretboard or the music! I’ll definitely give it a try.

    Sorry, I wasn’t clear when I asked about “learning the fretboard.” It was actually meant to be the same question, how to get my fingers to the right place without looking. Of course learning the pitch for each fret on each string is another goal, which actually seems more easily attainable than getting my fingers to obey my brain! Working on both skills together is probably a good idea . . .


    Thats great you guys. Everyone sounds awesome. I’ve been off line here for a while,but I’m looking forward to picking up the uke again and getting back to practicing. πŸ‘


    @hiloukes – Beautifully played! Couple tips: For the quick h/o p/o lick, try not to rush it. Keep in mind that it should encompass the time span of an eighth note. And when you do the barre chord at the 1st fret, make sure your finger isn’t on top of the metal fret. You want to be as close to the metal fret, but not on top of it. That should help the chord ring out clearer. Overall, it was awesome! Keep up the great work πŸ™‚

    – Thank you so kindly for your donation!! Your performance was great! I’d suggest maybe a touch slower in the tempo so it lets the music breathe a bit more, but that’s IMO – I always encourage you guys to take it and make it your own πŸ™‚

    – Great job on the timing! Performance was great overall! At this point, I’d be thinking about how you’re playing the notes and chords – for ex: some can be played softer and others louder. Basically thinking about dynamics and finesse. Check out the links for lessons that Matt taught that go deeper into those areas.

 – Beautifully played! I like the ritardandos you threw in there too πŸ™‚

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