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  • #61357

    Thanks @Andrew……that dang thumb! This is a great piece to practice proper thumb placement….I think I have developed bad habits that are difficult to break.



    Loved the selections this month it was really hard to decide….finally began focusing on 4/4 Waltz…quite mesmerizing……Still needs some work on maintaining legato throughout and consistant flow…

    I’m enjoying everyone’s submissions. Thanks Andrew and Rock Class 101.


    @The_Bumble_Bard and @gi_gi_ you are cracking me up hijacking the thread😂😂😂

    – I see, both pieces, yours and Adrian’s seem to have been inspired by something “achy-breaky”. ..Wow…….and you channeled it into the creative process to share with all of us. How lucky are we. I can see that you both put your heart and soul into the music…..and then the “Band” did the same…….cool to see the ripple effect of your creation……I just have to call out Evan’s solo (though everyone was amazing)…..his was otherworldly….especially in your piece.

    One more thing…….I think what makes these pieces so special is that so often ‘achy-breaky’ can take us down, but through music you have both transmuted heartbreak into something though bittersweet it is uplifting (yours) and haunting (his)…….musical alchemists…..

    Also, can you post the lyrics to your song….ty

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by dianna.

    Gorgeous pieces…….I’m always astonished at the caliber of lessons we have here……such a blessing for lovers of the ukulele. I agree with @gi_gi, Andrew’s ‘Just Like My Dreams,’ is stunning…..and the performance is amazing……you can feel the exuberant emotion in the piece….it’s joyful. What an honor it must be for the one who inspired it.

    I do have a question…….I love the gypsy jazz piece ‘The Achy Waltz’…..it has a lilting, haunting quality…..why is it called “The Achy Waltz”?


    Congratulations @Deadbuggy! Nice Kala!


    @Andrew thank-you for the excellent critique….that will make the difference…..I could hear it in your lesson…..I think my staccato became more pronounced during the tricky parts, especially when the inside of my left hand blocked the sound on the A-string as I was picking with my right. I will work on that….thanks!

    …..that was adorable….your ukies came to life! Cute lyrics – a real ukulele love story….so much fun! Well done! (Good job singing too)

    my condolences to you…..but what a beautiful tribute to your Mom…..that song is a keeper and I can imagine her listening each time you play it…..♥️


    This month I worked on Irish Washerwoman, though I was tempted by the other tunes…..especially when others posted the gorgeous “Red is the Rose,”……..so I dabbled with the other tunes and even took a look at the Triplet Course, which admittedly twisted my clawhammer brain…..I was concerned that I would confuse the two…..that will be a course that I will have to take slowly and start with the etude before doing the capstone piece. I was impressed with @misterbones and @planetfink’s submissions……..amazing work! @morrieuke1 your Danny Boy was beautiful…..picking and singing is not easy,…..just a lovely submission!

    Please do not include me in the drawing this month. Thank-you!


    @brettboy that is impressive discipline – Cheers to seven more!….and thank-you – I always look forward to your posts.

    – beautiful playing …..and that is a ‘way-cool’ t-shirt!

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by dianna.

    @brettboy, 4 years…….that’s 48 challenges…..that’s a true commitment. I always enjoy your posts because you always set the bar high inspiring the rest of us. That is a beautiful take on ‘Red is the Rose’………have you actually submitted for all 48 challenges in the past 4 years?……..how many years have you been submitting?

    can’t wait to see what you have cookin’😁


    Congratulations @Johanna2509! What a treat to be able to choose from some of Uke Republic’s inventory….Enoy!

    Thank-you @Andrew……yes, I’m having a little love-affair with this banjo-uke, found it used a year or two ago at this great little music shop in Rochester, NY. I love old-time and bluegrass genre and clawhammer banjo-uke fits right in….so I will keep on bum-ditty-ing until I can keep up in a jam.

    – Thank-you! I still have a ways to go before it flows….sometimes I think it takes more than a month to get these pieces down (more like 3+)….Your Classical Etude was gorgeous….and you nailed the harmonics at the end! By the way I love the googly-eyes….gives your uke some personality😁……..In my ID photo there is a painting in the background…..it is covered with googly eyes – The artist (my friend) calls it “The Eyes of the Universe” 🤪. I would love to hear your rendition of Cripple Creek…..I know you are busy with the move, but when everything has settled…..maybe?
    Good-luck with your move!

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by dianna.
    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by dianna.

    I love to see the kids participate in these challenges….that was amazing Christian!

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by dianna.

    I wasn’t sure if I would be posting or not this month……so here goes by the skin of my teeth….sliding in near the last possible moment. I decided to first transpose Cripple Creek from the key of C to the Key of A and then write out the tabs using ukulele notepad, which took a bit of time for me…..but it was fun to play with the fretboard, trying to figure out what worked best for clawhammering. This gave me less time to actually practice….so there are a lot of hesitations……slowing down and speeding up…..which needs to be ironed out. I had it in my mind that I would find a u-tube video to play along with….but I didn’t get up to speed in time. Instead, I used the sound of water as background rhythm/sound. Also, embarrassingly, there is a singing part and I was having difficulty remembering what I was playing and the words at the same time -(though the words couldn’t be any simpler🤪).

    I am so impressed with all of the submissions, everyone works so hard….and it shows! I have been listening to all of your posts for over a year now…….I see such impressive improvement and growth, which inspires me. As always, thank-you Rock Class 101!

    Please do not include me in the draw this month.


    Wow! Congratulations!


    @Andrew, Wow! Thank-you for taking the time to make the comparison between my two submissions. Yes,….Flow! That’s it (though there were a few brain farts and finger-flubs)! So now I am beginning to see/feel/experience the connection between Tempo-Expression and Flow…….finding the Zen…….though it still feels like an obsession, a drive towards improvement (some kind of perfection?).

    I love this piece because it sounds deceivingly simple and a bit haunting in its relentless tempo, and because the tempo and expression are so interlinked. It is time to let it rest for a bit though, and later return to it to continue this process.

    I will try to keep this one going throughout the year so that it becomes so embedded in muscle memory……cellular!


    Definitely clawhammering this month!…I love these free challenges!

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